Here is the latest and greatest version of Jaguar's Admin Mod Script. There are lots of additional commands in this release based on the posts in the forums.
- admin_execclient: executes a command on the client .
- admin_execall: execute a command on all clients, save those with ACCESS_IMMUNITY.
- admin_gag: prevents a client from speaking .
- admin_slay: forces a client to execute a 'kill' cmd.
- admin_teleport: teleports a client.
- admin_userorigin: gets the X,Y,Z pos of a client.
- admin_stack: just for amusement value, will stack everyone on top of each other.
- admin_chat: allows people with ACCESS_CHAT to chat amongst themselves.
- admin_psay: allows a private message.
Other Notables:
- An 'immunity' access level (ACCESS_IMMUNITY = 4096) that prevents you from being kicked, etc.
- Responds to chat commands ('say'): timeleft, nextmap, etc.
- hlds_ld style map voting system that works via chat.
- admin_ban and admin_unban should understand IP addresses now (and call addip and removeip)
- admin_ban should now allow a timelimit (admin_ban Jaguar 30). It should also allow no timelimit, which defaults to 0 (permanent ban)
- conditional compilation makes it easier to take out the stuff people don't want. Just set the values at the top of the script, and recompile. Log messages (in client_start) show the admin which options are enabled and disabled.
- arguments to certain functions can be done in quotes (ie, admin_execclient "I Pwns j00!" "kill") without screwing up the command. Two helper functions (strstripquotes (strips the begin and ending quotes, if they exist) and strbreak (given a string, returns everything before and after the first space as the second and third parameters)) help with this.
-[ Jaguar ]-