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Full Scripts

1. Restrict the weapons players can buy in CS.
2. AdminMod Script for Invisibility Cheat Detection
3. The complete works of [WHO]Them
4. A New version of Jaguar's script for use with Admin v2.10
5. Here is the complete Admin Mod script from v2.10

Restrict the weapons players can buy in CS.View

G.I Joe really out did himself on this one. Alot of people ask for this in CS but I myself can't understand why...

Anyway, nice job Joe.

Try the view link for the readme. You can download both the Jag edition and the new Jag Beta edition here or you can goto Joe's web page here.

-[ G.I. Joe ]-

AdminMod Script for Invisibility Cheat DetectionView

AdminMod provides the server admin with the possibility to protect certain models with a password. The Invisibility Cheat uses the models orange, oranget, arcticorange or arcticoranget. The use of the first two can be blocked by setting a password for them. If you set a password for the latter two, people will be unable to use the terror model arctic and get kicked from your server. This script detects the use of any of the above four models and displays a warning on the screen to all players that a player is trying to make himself invisible.

The view link contains the full readme that was distributed with the script. To get whole package, try this link . The zip contains both Alfreds and Jags modified scripts.

-[ Da Rope ]-

The complete works of [WHO]ThemView

Here is the complete script from [WHO]Them. This does require his wonderfully packaged helper functions from the snippets page so make sure you grab it too.

Features? Here are a few of the ones [WHO]Them has included:

  1. admin_bsay - prints a message that nobody can ignore by routing it through the voting system.
  2. admin_rcon - rcon access through admin security.
  3. admin_execute - execute a command in a single client.
  4. admin_speak - say something with an audible voice.
  5. admin_allexec - execute a command on all clients.
  6. admin_messagemode - when bound to a key, lets you do amin_say just like a normal CS message. Bind it to your 'Y' key and start doing admin_says without use of the console.

-[ [WHO]Them ]-

A New version of Jaguar's script for use with Admin v2.10View

Here is the latest and greatest version of Jaguar's Admin Mod Script. There are lots of additional commands in this release based on the posts in the forums.


  1. admin_execclient: executes a command on the client .
  2. admin_execall: execute a command on all clients, save those with ACCESS_IMMUNITY.
  3. admin_gag: prevents a client from speaking .
  4. admin_slay: forces a client to execute a 'kill' cmd.
  5. admin_teleport: teleports a client.
  6. admin_userorigin: gets the X,Y,Z pos of a client.
  7. admin_stack: just for amusement value, will stack everyone on top of each other.
  8. admin_chat: allows people with ACCESS_CHAT to chat amongst themselves.
  9. admin_psay: allows a private message.

Other Notables:

  1. An 'immunity' access level (ACCESS_IMMUNITY = 4096) that prevents you from being kicked, etc.
  2. Responds to chat commands ('say'): timeleft, nextmap, etc.
  3. hlds_ld style map voting system that works via chat.
  4. admin_ban and admin_unban should understand IP addresses now (and call addip and removeip)
  5. admin_ban should now allow a timelimit (admin_ban Jaguar 30). It should also allow no timelimit, which defaults to 0 (permanent ban)
  6. conditional compilation makes it easier to take out the stuff people don't want. Just set the values at the top of the script, and recompile. Log messages (in client_start) show the admin which options are enabled and disabled.
  7. arguments to certain functions can be done in quotes (ie, admin_execclient "I Pwns j00!" "kill") without screwing up the command. Two helper functions (strstripquotes (strips the begin and ending quotes, if they exist) and strbreak (given a string, returns everything before and after the first space as the second and third parameters)) help with this.

-[ Jaguar ]-

Here is the complete Admin Mod script from v2.10View

Here is the most up to date version of the complete Admin Mod script. It will contain all of the know fixes that have been reported in the forums but no extra commands.

-[ Alfred ]-

Generated by Newz (c) 2000 Scott Brownlow

Last Updated: Sunday, June 23, 2002 09:49:55 PM


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