1. Use at your own risk. I can't attest to the safety of using admin mod, the scripting extension, or this script. As far as I know there could be a bug in there that erases your hard disk and fries your motherboard. If you don't have enough technical knowledge to assess the risk yourself, don't use it.
2. To use it, you must install the admin mod available at www.adminmod.org and know how to add custom scripts to the admin mod. This is explained in the scripting section of the same site and is pretty straight forward. If you can install and use admin mod, you can compile and install custom scripts for it. I have been using it against admin_mod version 2.09.
There are two files:
admin_jag_gijoe.txt and jag_2101_gijoev2.txt (Note the usual convention for these files is to use a .sma extension. However that is only a convention and really doesn't matter. You can rename them to .sma if desired )
Use the first if and only if you are you have installed the standard admin_mod 2.09 or 2.10 stuff. (may work with earlier versions)
Use the second one if and only if you have properly installed the new inc file and related dlls from jaguar's 2101 beta version. If you don't know what that means you should'nt be messing with jag's beta stuff (IMHO). Stick with what comes with admin mod and the first file. As the file name indicates this was based on jaguar's 2101 version. Obviously if you use a different version, who knows.
Note also that the first version has ENABLE_JAGUAR_STUFF 0 and the second version has ENABLE_JAGUAR_DLL 0 which means things that need the jaguar custom dll won't be useable ( like admin_slap ). You can set these to 1, but only if you are sure you have the appropriate dll in the appropriate place.
Note also that the 2101 based version does not seem to be calling client_start under Linux. The weapons restriction code does not rely on this so it works fine, but other parts of jag's script may have problems and the map_name.cfg file will not get executely automatically. So if you take advantage of that feature, that won't work. On at least my installation and configuration this problem occurred with the unmodified jag 2101 sciprt as well as the one I added by code to.
All my testing has been with the production hl1104 server on both NT and Linux and I have run it with both the dll on and off under NT and only off under Linux.
3. I started with one of the versions of Jaguar's scripts. ( a frequent scripting contributor at admin mod ) I attempted to mark all the additions I made with comments including the word Weapon so one can move the code into a different version of Jaguar's script if desired. The code does rely on various helper functions and constants in Jaguar's scripts.
4. The script adds the following comands to anybody with ExecClient privileges ( you can change that to a different privilege level, I just chose that one arbritrarily. It does not use any execclient commands ):
- adim_restrictallweapons
This will not allow any weapons to be purchased ( players still get default pistol ). It will allow all equipment and ammo to be purchased.
- admin_allowallweapons
Removes all restrictions that exist ( both weapon and equipment ).
- admin_restrictweapon