The idea here is community: one big happy, sometimes dysfunctional, often opinionated family. It takes a village, and it's a big village at that. Check out the forums if you haven't already and join in the fun - learn a little, give a little, and be a part. Oh yeah, and have a really cool Half-Life server too!
Here's the crew that brought you Admin Mod 2.50.xx ...
The core team in no particular order:
Alfred Reynolds | CEO | Alfred |
Magua | Admin Mod Man of Mystery | Jaguar |
Florian Zschocke | Head of Operations and Lead Coding | Da Rope |
Greg Hughes | Borg Communications Officer | Gerg |
Scott Brownlow | Keeper of the Scripts | [fah-q] Dio |
Will Day | 'He who brought us Metamod' | WillD |
David Mart | Jack of all trades | Wraith, |
Paul Hickman | Adminmod's answer to Life, the Universe and Nothing | RBBOT |
Pieter de Zwart | Scripter, docs, and... umm... frog | Bud-froggy |
Chad Ness | Script Sorcerer Extrodinaire and Forum God | yensid |
Karel Verbiest | what was it he does? | KaReL |
Gerald Mahlmeister | The Scripting Pro in the Background | Ramirez |
Jon Paul Nollmann | 3rd Wheel and Forum Meanie | sinster |
Falko Hartmann | scripting purist | [WING] Black Knight |
And then our beta testers who risked their servers to see if it worked:
Luke Sankey | SuperScripter Sank | Sank |
John Bossaller | our Linux beta tester | GeSpot |
Tim K. | tested DoD support | thetoulman |
Sparks | Server op and buddy to Dio | [fah-q] Sparks |
Lee C.S. Young | man, he's got servers | Scoutn |
Tim Thelin | Helper, Scripter and LogD Author | Kndroc |
Joe Noyes | Instant scripter - Just add caffeine | Caveman |
Geoffrey Hichborn | Scripter for hire: Accepts credit, cheques and cash. | SR71Goku |
Husayn ibn al-Samarqandi | DoD tester | al-Samarqandi |
Marco Hombach | Scripter of LogD Plugins | [WING] Sir Drink a lot |
Derek Evan Mart | Linux tester and scripter | Marticus |
Our notable IRC helpers, those who ably and eloquently direct you to this manual:
Kevin Masterson | Wraith's personal minion | Cybermind |
Felix Kumm | Most likely made out of meat | Rindy |
Michael Tharp | Procrastination Technician | GXTi |
and of course...
The Forgotten Helper
Thanks especially to all who contributed by finding bugs and making suggestions.
Move along ...
Nothing to see here....
::quivering:: but! but!!
no goldzip, come back, we love you!!!!
well, lets just say your a wonderful guy to pick on
Someday, though...someday, I know in my heart, goldzip will return.
The Twelve Steps of Admin Mod 2.deleted for security reasons Development and Testing
with apologies where they are most certainly due..
We admitted we were powerless over the Admin Mod, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Came to believe that an admin_power_greater_than_ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to an admin_power_greater_than_ourselves, as we understood him.
Made a searching and fearless server inventory of our bugs.
Admitted to an admin_power_greater_than_ourselves the exact nature of our bugs.
Became entirely ready to have an admin_power_greater_than_ourselves remove all these defects of character, err ... software.
Humbly asked him to remove all our shortcomings.
Made a list of all newbies ... uhhh ... yeah - newbies we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Made direct amends to all the newbies wherever possible, except for when the kept whining even after we told them how to make "that cool colored text thingie that shows up in the middle of the screen now and then" work, despite the fact that its all over the friggin forums and ascript web site...
Continued to take bug inventory, and when we crashed our servers, promptly admitted it.
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with an admin_power_greater_than_ourselves as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the admin_power to carry that out.
Having reached the status of admin_ immunity as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other admins, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Many of us exclaimed, "What an order! I can't go through with it!" Do not be discouraged. None of us has maintained anything like perfect adherence to these principle. The point is...
... Well, I am not sure what the point is. Heh. Oh well.
Good night.
Oh yeah,