For information about setting access levels for your users, please see: Setting up your users.ini file
Note: Some commands changed access levels beginning with v2.50d (Voting control commands moved out of public access levels). This chart lists only the default Admin Mod commands. If you add additional functionality via plugins, the commands provided by those plugins will also be assigned access levels. Consult the plugin text files and/or any documentation packaged with each plugin.
To use the calculator, check the boxes for the access levels you want to give to your users. Once you have selected all the access levels for a user, press the "Calculate" button at the bottom of the page. The correct value to be inserted in to the users.ini file will be displayed below. Please note that adding plugins or altering the standard scripts will result in either additional or fewer commands being available than shown in this table, as this calculator pertains only to the default access levels and commands.