Throughout the Admin Mod documentation, we often refer to many long names, types of setup and generals rules of thumb. For the convenience of both the writers and the readers, we have composed a list of these different contractions, abbreviations and acronyms.
By far the most prevalent contraction in the manual is
(listen)server.cfg. Admin Mod can be installed on a listen server (started by clicking
on "Create" in the Half-Life GUI) or a dedicated server (ressembles
the MS-DOS command window). Even though these two servers may seem very different,
their installation is identical, apart from the fact that a listen server retrieves
it's settings from the file listenserver.cfg located in the mod directory,
whereas the dedicated server gets it's information from the file server.cfg, also
located in the mod directory. So, when we refer to the (listen)server.cfg, we
are refering to either listenserver.cfg or server.cfg, depending on which
way you intend to use Admin Mod.
(Note: you can have Admin Mod run on both your server.cfg and listenserver.cfg by installing
Admin Mod on a dedicated server, then copying the contents of the server.cfg to listenserver.cfg.)
mod or <mod> directory
Throughout the manual and the forums, we refer to your <mod> directory. This is supposed
to represent the directory to which you installed Admin Mod, or the mod to which you applied Admin Mod.
For example:
is the same as:
<hl> or <half-life> directory
Just like the <mod> directory, this refers to your base Half-Life installation folder. This is usually
. If you are running Counter-Strike retail version, your <hl>
directory is your C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\
directory. If you do not know where your Half-Life
base directory is, look for your <mod> directory and then browse to its parent folder (back one directory).
What Admin Mod replaces. Back in the days, before Alfred messed with the system, server administration
was obtained by submitting a remote console
password, which gave the client access to do... well, everything.
This password could be used by any client from any computer, therefore rendering the servers very insecure.
This is the reason for Admin Mod's existence, and we thank Alfred for his inability to trust people. =)
Configuration Variable. This is one of the most basic and important of the list. Admin Mod uses CVARs
let the server administrator have access to a vast array of possible settings. Most of the CVARs
located in the server.cfg file. Admin Mod's cvar are located in the adminmod.cfg file. This is discussed in further detail in the
Admin Mod CVARs section.
is a contraction for Unix and it's flavors. This includes, but is not limited to Linux (and all its
sub flavors), BSD, Solaris and so on.
Windows Operating Systems can be classified in two general categories: *bleeep!* and decent. The '*bleeep!*'
are refered to as Win9x
which are: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98se and Windows Millenium Edition (WinME).
We strongly suggest that you do NOT use these OS's as servers for everyone's good.
Microsoft is not completly worthless. Indeed they have a range of Operating System's that are actually fairly
good compared to their old standards. These OS's all run on some form of the NT (New Technology) kernel. There
are, but are not limited to: Windows NT4, Windows NT5 (a.k.a. Windows 2000) and Windows XP.
Admin Mod. 'nuff said.
MetaMod. Without this nifty little program written by Will Day, life would
resemble hello for anyone out there who is a mod developer. I am dead serious. MetaMod sits between the GameDLL
and the mod DLL and provides all its plugins with almost infinite possibilities. Check out the
MetaMod homepage for more info.
Half-Life Dedicated Server. Also know as "that DOS window thingy that pops up when I select Dedicated Server."
When Alfred created Admin Mod back in the day, he was thinking of this program. If you did not know what HLDS
stood for before reading this page, we seriously recommend not running a Half-Life server, dedicated or not, with
Admin Mod for now, as this is usually a sign that you are not ready.
Our personal favorite. =) Taken directly from my sig:
RTFM /R-T-F-M/ imp. [Unix]
Abbreviation for `Read The ****ing Manual'. 1. Used by gurus to brush off questions they
consider trivial or annoying. Compare Don't do that then!. 2. Used when reporting a problem to indicate that you
aren't just asking out of randomness. "No, I can't figure out how to interface Unix to my toaster, and yes, I
have RTFM." Unlike sense 1, this use is considered polite. See also FM, RTFAQ, RTFB, RTFS, STFW, RTM, all of
which mutated from RTFM, and compare UTSL.
This goes hand in hand with the preceding acronym: Search The Freaking Web (polite version).
This should be simple enough to understand.
TFC, CS, etc.
All those wonderful modifications. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and sexual orientations. The most
common are: TFC (Team Fortress Classic), CS (Counter-Strike), DoD (Day of Defeat), AHL (Action Half-Life) and so
World Online Network Identification. This is a number generated by Half-Life using your CD key to identify
you to the rest of the world. Each CD key has a unique corresponding WONID
. Admin Mod takes
advantage of this to recognize you if you opt to use WONID
in your users.ini.