Admin Mod is a modification add-on for the Half-Life multiplayer game server, most commonly used for the modifications Counter-Strike and Team Fortress. There are a significant number of other modifications (commonly called "mods") of the original Half Life game.
This server-side modification application will let you give people access to manage and administer your HLDS (Half-Life Dedicated Server) machines, without giving direct access to rcon (server-speak terminology for "Remote Console"). It also lets you define users who can access the server to play, each with a different password, and allows you to assign players the ability to execute Admin Mod's commands during the game. The security is configurable per-player, meaning you can assign each player differing access levels, and therefore allow or restrict any given set of Admin Mod commands.
It is a plugin modification designed to work using metamod to interface with the halflife server engine. A list of its main uses can be found in the What Can Admin Do section.
Before metamod (in the good old days when kids respected their elders and all that) every game modification was loaded as a gamedll by the half-life game engine. The problem with this was that if you wished to use more than one modification you had to daisy chain them together each loading one other dll as a gamedll. This is a poor approach and has its problems, such as stability and ease of use. Metamod solves these problems.
Metamod ( is loaded by the half-life game engine as the gamedll, metamod then loads all metamod plugins and treats them as equal plugins, no more daisy chaining and no more editing half a dozen config file to make a single dll load. Your plugins are no longer at the mercy of plugin further up the chain and rely only on metamod for their stability not on the stability of all the other mods in the chain above them.
Metamod handles all mod compatibility. Metamod plugins are avilable to any mod (depending on the author of the metamod plugin) that metamod supports. Admin Mod itself is mod agnostic. Always use the latest version of the metamod DLL file, available from the Metamod website, to assure you are current and able to use Admin Mod with the latest supported games.)
If you are a mod author and you want metamod to support your mod you should contact Will Day at so he can add support for your mod; it's easy but he will need a complete list of the game's entities to do so. Mods that do not follow the normal procedures for things like menu selection or which alter base classes may have compatibility problems, for details on these problems see the metamod mod compatibility list
Admin Mod is written with security in mind, so there should be no problems with the code (but there is always a possibility... Remember that security is an ongoing process both for software authors and the people who use the software).AdmiN mod is open source and the spurce code is always available in bth beta for and as tagged releases on the sourceforge CVS server.
If you are interested in contacting Alfred, the original author of the Admin Mod, or if you are interested in participating in the community of server administrators who use the Admin Mod on their servers, please see "Where to go for more help" at the end of this document.