Now is the time to take a quick break if you need one. Clear your head. The next steps are not complicated, but they will make you think.
These files determine how Admin Mod interacts with your server and the users of the Admin Mod. You must set up each of these files as described in the ../half-life/<mod>/addons/adminmod/config/ directory of your Half-Life installation depending on which modification you intend to use. A section entitled The Admin Mod Configuration Files contains descriptive information about each file. Please choose a configuration file below to get more information about configuration of that particular file.
Setting up your server.cfg and adminmod.cfg files (required)
Setting up your users.ini file (required if you want to set up admin user accounts on the server)
Setting up your plugin.ini file (required unless you are using the old-skool scripting style)
It's time to look back to the addons/adminmod/config and addons/adminmod/config/samples directories. In those folders you will find all of the .ini files that we need to work with, as well as a sample server.cfg and adminmod.cfg files and the wordslist.txt file.