Well the new version of AdminMod (v2.50e) does work with FA. It just needs a beating. This is a declaration. To stop that command from being declared, all we have to do is comment it out by putting // infront of the declaration. Like so: Thats all you have to do! Now you just have to comment out the rest of declarations. Here is the list of commands that I currently have commented out:
While I've been writing this how-to document I actually found another piece of scripting where it allows normal users with privelage rights of 1 to vote. Well I have my normal users set to have privelage number of 0 (in server.cfg - default_access 0) so they can't request a vote. For even more security I also set up some of the options in my server.cfg file so it was basically impossible to win. I am currently trialing my new code modification to see if it works. Plugins for AdminMod Well if the plugin doesnt have any voting capabilities in it then you don't need to edit it. If it does then you should edit so you don't accidently screw up the respawning on your server. Just follow the same instructions but with the new commands. Why/How does it work? I removed dlls/plugin_spawn.amx cause that is the plugin that stops respawning. The rest is to stop voting because if you vote then it removes the ability to respawn as well. It was a pain to figure out but it works and I have myself a nice Win32 FA server (for my clan practices). Files Scripting Source Files - 48.1 KB Compiled Script Files - 29.9 KB
[ Half-Life Admin Mod © Alfred Reynolds 2000-2025 ] - [ site design and programming by Jägermeister ]