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Current Poll results:
Would you like Admin Mod to support MS SQL Server?
Yes 56.07 % (5033)
No 10.66 % (957)
What is MS SQL Server? 21.08 % (1892)
Why?! 12.19 % (1094)
Total votes: 8976

OLD Poll results:

What server engine do you run?
HalfLife 1 43.71 % (3321)
Source 35.19 % (2674)
Both 9.54 % (725)
Neither (huh?) 4.21 % (320)
Check, please! 7.34 % (558)
Total votes: 7598

Should Admin Mod be ported to HL2/CS:Source?
Hell, yes! 70.74 % (16039)
Hell, no! 6.59 % (1495)
I'm helluva undecided 1.62 % (367)
Halle Berry 21.05 % (4773)
Total votes: 22674

How long have you been using Admin Mod?
I wrote it 29.98 % (2975)
Since the first 0.x versions 3.08 % (306)
Since a 1.x version 3.40 % (337)
Since 2.0x 4.20 % (417)
Since before 2.50.50 4.59 % (455)
Since after 2.50.50 8.77 % (870)
I just downloaded it, where to click to install? 19.77 % (1962)
I am not using Admin Mod anymore 4.38 % (435)
I don't use Admin Mod yet 15.88 % (1576)
I never have and never will use Admin Mod 5.95 % (590)
Total votes: 9923

What would you like to see changed in AM most?
Add events like in StatsMe or LogD 24.73 % (4906)
MySQL access from scripts 4.87 % (967)
Fix the loss of access rights on map change 15.60 % (3095)
Neat thingies like a MOTD window 33.07 % (6560)
Find and squish 'em bugs 18.05 % (3580)
Don't change anything! 3.67 % (729)
Total votes: 19837

Which one do you prefer?
Admin Mod 45.31 % (10025)
Clanmod 7.81 % (1727)
Both are cool, can't you combine them? 27.26 % (6032)
Both suck 4.64 % (1026)
Leave me alone 14.98 % (3314)
Total votes: 22124

How did you like the Q&A session with UA?
It was great - do another one! 41.14 % (2557)
Not too bad 5.70 % (354)
Waste of time 10.75 % (668)
Say what? 42.41 % (2636)
Total votes: 6215

When will CS2/TFC2/HL2 come out?
This Year! (promise...) 23.42 % (5274)
When its done 46.62 % (10496)
Right after Duken-Nukem Forever 29.96 % (6746)
Total votes: 22516

Which kind of server do you use Admin Mod on?
Windows listenserver 24.28 % (4525)
Windows dedicated 38.30 % (7138)
Linux dedicated 37.42 % (6974)
Total votes: 18637

What should we do next?
Fix the damn bugs! 48.16 % (692)
More features! 37.79 % (543)
Make Admin Mod for (game of choice) 7.24 % (104)
Whatever... 6.82 % (98)
Total votes: 1437

Is Admin Mod 2.50 better than all before it?
Hell yes! 68.70 % (2948)
Maybe... 13.00 % (558)
What are you on? 18.29 % (785)
Total votes: 4291

What release method should Admin mod use use?
More features 19.86 % (895)
Continual improvement (50% bug fix, 50% features) 43.80 % (1974)
Bug free releases 36.34 % (1638)
Total votes: 4507

What should the next feature of Admin mod be?
TK checking 21.48 % (449)
Cheat detection 71.44 % (1493)
More scripting functions 7.08 % (148)
Total votes: 2090





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  [ Half-Life Admin Mod © Alfred Reynolds 2000-2025 ] - [ site design and programming by Jägermeister ]