Linux Upgrade Install

The installer will aid you through the process of upgrading a previous installation of Admin Mod. After unzipping the tarball run the install_admin shell script. You can provide the MOD you want to install Admin Mod for as an argument to the installer by using the MOD directory name:

./install_admin cstrike

This would install Admin Mod for Counter-Strike. If you leave out the MOD and call the installer without arguments, it will present you with a list of your installed MODs to choose from.


The upgrade of Admin Mod with the install_admin script is pretty self-explanatory. Below we show some steps the installer takes when installing Admin Mod on a machine that has a previous version of Admin Mod installed on it. Since an installation of Admin Mod can be customized in many ways, upgrading an existing installation is not as straightforward as a fresh install. You may be required to change some things by hand. Depending of your setup there are various paths through the upgrade process. We will show here one possible situation. In general just follow the instructions the installer gives you.


This content is provided for reference. We will assume that if you have successfully installed hlds_l on a Linux machine, you don't need to have your hand held. :)


install_admin Upgrade Walkthrough

The installer will first try to locate the tools that it needs to do it's work. If some of the required tools cannot be found it will exit since it cannot complete the installation. Normally that should not happen since it uses only tools that every standard Linux installation should have installed like 'sed', 'grep' or 'cp'. After the setup it will greet you with a welcome screen.

Setting up installation... ok
               Admin Mod Installation Script
                       Version 2.50.60
   This script will install Admin Mod version 2.50.60 on your
   system. It will ask you for the directory that you installed
   the Half-Life server in. To accept defaults just press Return.
   After the binaries are installed you should read the docu-
   mentation and configure Admin Mod before you use it for the
   first time.
Shall I proceed with the installation? (y/n) [y]

This is your chance to quit the installer if you invoked it unintentionally. When the installer prompts you for input it will normally show you some possible inputs like 'y' for yes, 'n' for no or 'q' for quit. It will usually provide a default (shown in brackets, e.g. '[y]') which you can accept by simply hitting the Return key.


When you choose to continue the installer will try to locate your HLDS installation.

Trying to locate your HLDS... done
Please enter the directory where your HL server is installed,
or hit Return to accept the default.

If it found a version of the HLDS on your system it will present you with a default location. If that is the HLDS you want to install Admin Mod for you can accept the default. Otherwise enter the path to the HLDS installation you want Admin Mod installed for.


If you did not provide the MOD you want to install Admin Mod for on the commandline, the installer will search for your installed MODs and give you a list to choose from. If your MOD is not listed, quit the installer and call it again with the MOD directory as an argument.

You seem to have the following MODs installed:
        MOD             Description
  [1]:  cstrike         Counter-Strike
  [2]:  dmc             Deathmatch Classic
  [3]:  dod             Day of Defeat
  [4]:  ricochet        Ricochet
  [5]:  si              Science and Industry
  [6]:  tfc             Team Fortress
  [7]:  valve           Half-Life
Please choose the number of the MOD you
want to install Admin Mod for (q to quit): 2

Choose the MOD to install Admin Mod for. In this example we chose "Deathmatch Classic" by entering '2' at the prompt. The installer will check if it can find the MOD installation and present you with another prompt:

Looks like you have Deathmatch Classic installed in
I can now install the Admin Mod files. Proceed? (y/n) [y]

This is your last chance to chicken out. If you answer 'y' here the installer will continue and install the Metamod and Admin Mod files into the MOD directory.
Since you do an upgrade, the installer will report that your installed Metamod version is older then the one that comes with the Admin Mod package.

You have an older version of Metamod installed than the one
that comes with this package (1.17.2).
Should I update your Metamod with the new version (y/n/q)? [y]

You are given the choice to update your installed version with the newer one. If your Metamod installation dates back from before the new directory structure of the ADS was introduced the installer provide you with the choice to move the Metamod files to the new standard location. Unless you have an unusual custom setup of your Metamod files we suggest that you choose to use the new directories.

The installation of your old Metamod version does not adhere to the new
addons directory standard. You may keep your Metamod version installed
where it is now or switch to the new standard location.
Should I upgrade your Metamod to use the new standard directory (y/n/q)? [y] 

Answering yes will make the installer move your Metamod files to the new location adhering to the ADS directory structure. It will then continue with copying the new Metamod binaries over your old ones.

Installing Metamod files to dmc/addons/metamod ... done.
Updating your file ... done.

Next it will continue with the installation of Admin Mod. Again, you are asked if you want to upgrade your old Admin Mod installation with the new one.

You have an older version of Admin Mod installed than the one
that comes with this package (2.50.60).
Should I update your Admin Mod with the new version (y/n/q)? [y]

You will again be given the choice to have your Admin Mod files moved to to the new standard directory for Admin Mod. As with the other prompts you are also given the choice to quit the installer if something went wrong or when you maybe want to make backups of your files first.

The installation of your old Admin Mod version does not adhere to the new
addons directory standard. You may keep your Admin Mod version installed
where it is now or switch to the new standard location.
Should I upgrade your Admin Mod to use the new standard directory (y/n/q)? [y] 

The installer continues now with installing the files for the new version of Admin Mod. The binaries are installed into the dlls directory. It will then try to find your configuration files (e.g. users.ini, maps.ini, etc) and moves them to the new config directory. Backup copies of your old files will be stored in their old location but with the extension 'old' appended. If you don't need them anymore you can later remove them by hand.

Installing Admin Mod binaries to dmc/addons/adminmod/dlls ... done.
Trying to locate your config files and moving them to dmc/addons/adminmod/config ...
    --> /usr/local/hlds_l/dmc/addons/adminmod/config/users.ini
    --> /usr/local/hlds_l/dmc/addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini
Backup copies of your config files have been saved with the extension '.old'.
Remove them by hand if you do not need them anymore.

Next, the installer will also move your installed Admin Mod script files from the <mod>/dlls directory to the new adminmod/scripts directory. Script files installed in other directories will not be moved, assuming that you had them installed in some other directory on purpose. The base scripts coming with Admin Mod will also be replaced with the new versions.

Relocating your script files to dmc/addons/adminmod/scripts ...
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_base.amx
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_chat.amx
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_hldsld_mapvote.amx
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_message.amx
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_retribution.amx
    --> addons/adminmod/scripts/dlls/plugin_fun.amx
Leaving "some/dlls/plugin_other.amx" in place. You can move it by hand if you need it.
Installing new versions of script files ... done.
Updating your Metamod plugins file ... done.

To set the configuration variables (cvars) for Admin Mod the file containing the cvars has to be read by the server upon startup. This is achived by having the server "exec" the adminmod.cfg file from the server.cfg file. An entry in the server.cfg file is required for this.


The installer can make this entry for you. Since you upgrade from a previous version, your server.cfg file is probably filled with the old Admin Mod cvars. The installer can either delete them from the server.cfg file for you or only comment them out. Commenting them out may be the better choice if you want to lookup your old settings to replicate them in the new adminmod.cfg file. The default is that the installer leaves your server.cfg untouched.

The Admin Mod files have now been installed. It looks like you had installed a
version of Admin Mod before which did not use the directories laid forth in the
new Addons Directory Standard. You will have to edit your adminmod.cfg file in
the directory /usr/local/hlds_l/dmc/addons/adminmod/config
to configure Admin Mod for your server. Then add this line to the bottom of your
/usr/local/hlds_l/dmc/server.cfg file:
exec addons/adminmod/config/adminmod.cfg.
You should remove all other Admin Mod settings from the server.cfg file. Note that
you will have to set up the Admin Mod configuration before you can use Admin Mod.
I can try and remove the old Admin Mod settings from your server.cfg file or,
alternatively, comment them out.
Shall I Delete the old settings, Comment them out or Leave the file as it is (d/c/l) [l] c

If you choose to let the installer modify the server.cfg file a backup copy will be saved which you may delete by hand when you don't need it anymore. Letting the installer add the line to read the adminmod.cfg file is usually safe and we suggest you let it add it.

I can now add the necessary line to set the Admin Mod cvars from the adminmod.cfg
file to your server.cfg file.
Shall I add the line to your server.cfg file? (y/n) [y]

That concludes the upgrading of your Admin Mod installation.

   Congratulations, Admin Mod is now installed.
   To configure it you should now edit your adminmod.cfg file and create
   users.ini, maps.ini, ips.ini, models.ini and wordlist files as needed.
   Follow the instructions in the documentation and check for more infor-
   mation at the Admin Mod website



Be sure to edit the adminmod.cfg file to set the correct values for your setup. See the section on configuring Admin Mod to learn how to customize Admin Mod for your server.