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AdminMod Plugins

If you run Linux, you may need to convert the plugin sources to linux format. All of the plugin files are now distributed as Zip files. Linux guys, unzip the files with -a on the command line which will cause the CRLF chars to be converted to linux LF format.


1. More retribution...CS Style
2. This plugin contains speech functions and commands.
3. Enables easy admin_chat and admin_say key binding.
4. Friendly fire votes and auto-responses.
5. Kick everyone without clan tags and set a password.
6. Add weapon restriction votes in Counter-Strike.
7. Help a newbie access the console.
8. Add gravity voting to your server.
9. A few file access functions in a plugin.
10. Fun Mode Voting..Sounds Fun!
11. Ooooh the colours....
12. More votes than a Florida Election!
13. Add a touch of class... or ass to your llama's
14. This is a lazy mans addon for AdminMod.
15. Centersays with sound. Cool.
16. Setup your user security via the console.
17. Private conversations like chat rooms
18. Forced Team Balancing
19. Global Warfare taunt plugin
20. A bunch of commands for you Admins.
21. Stop users or teams in their tracks.
22. Clan match Setup and timer.
23. A HLDS map vote that keeps showing the winning map
24. A nice server shutdown.
25. Commands for working with bots.
26. Private clan chat messages.
27. Gravity voting to stop those cute little bunny hoppers.
28. An updated shutdown.
29. An enhanced point script.
30. Lock your CS teams.
31. A plugin for unblocking doorways that are blocked by a dispenser or a sentrygun.
32. Ban voting...I love to ban.
33. THE clanmatch plugin.
34. A replacement for plugin_base that has more colours.
35. A new admin_kick that remembers.
36. Votes for camping, afk and ban.
37. Cheat and speed commands
38. Set Rates and Sendvelocity Plugin.
39. More fun voting.
40. Block those creative curses.
41. Disable chatting on the server.
42. Disable HWguys in TFC
43. Class restriction commands
44. Slap voting for campers and the like.
45. A slay and stack vote.
46. Plugin to allow limited spectator use in TFC.
47. VoiceComm control.
48. Votes for gag and llama.
49. A very pretty map vote
50. Cancel map votes.
51. A sniper vote.
52. Updated: Leave messages for *specific* clients as they connect
53. Map vote replacement
54. Advanced Gravity Voting.
55. A nice map cycler
56. Bans players based on their name.
57. More democracy.
58. Kick idle players.
59. Protected vote commands that bite back.
60. Warn an punish players.
61. Stop teams in their tracks
62. Force client to take a screen shot.
63. Change to CD Compliance
64. Remember player names.
65. Three DOD plugins in one.
66. Force client to quit HL.
67. An updated Quit.
68. Another cure for de_dust syndrome.
69. A map search plugin.
70. Control the rate of your clients.
71. Rate Management Plugin
72. Map Management Plugin
73. Name Management Plugin
74. Another DoD plugin to try.
75. A more flexible Highlander system.
76. Limit the use of standard admin commands.
77. Redirect players to another server
78. Display information messages to clients.
79. This is a clan tag check plugin
80. Teleport Plugin
81. NeoTF Key bindings for n00bs
82. Protect Tag Plugin
83. Make adding new Admins a snap!
84. Voting for Cheating Death required.
85. Lure players to your empty server with a popular map
86. Allows team changing for the Science and Industry mod.
87. A simple voting plugin to enable/disable microphone use.
88. Allows for control of JoeBots through AdminMod.
89. Control the behaviour of Halfd while in-game.
90. Call for an admin
91. Activates vote allowance when no admin in online
92. Switching server configurations online
93. Natural Selection End of Round Plugin
94. Email Report Plugin
95. Scripts on the server
96. Team Change Plugin
97. Whois Plugin
98. An additional CS plugin.
99. General vote plugin
100. Allow to cancel any vote command
101. CS-Guard style of centersay
102. Tag any vote function
103. Option to kick the person who started the vote
104. A server side command menu
105. Page the admins on the server
106. Privately message people in csay and tsay
107. Different types of TSay
108. A better kick command
109. laserbeam Metamod Plugin control.
110. Change between server configs.
111. Redirect people to allied server.
112. A german translation of the standard admin plugins.
113. Set and store sv_alltalk
114. Flexible bot management (The better Fakefull)
115. Scheduled tasks (cron light)
116. HLTV Announcer
117. Flexible and easy clanwar management v2
118. Flexible and easy clanwar management v3
119. Turning on/off hookmod
120. Hookmod bind plugin
121. Sets sv_alltalk
122. FoxBot Control Plugin (BotCon)
123. Force players to change class with ease.
124. Vote for "The One Mode" on "The Specialists"
125. Disable FoxBots
126. Locating players on map
127. Name Change Plugin
128. Mute those HL-Voice killjoys
129. Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.6.
130. Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.7 beta.
131. Manages voting for Botman's Monster Plugin.
132. Clan vs All Plugin.
133. Temporary vote ban.
134. Sign messages with your name.
135. Votes for Mod DMZ.
136. Get teams even by balancing bots.
137. Plays a sound and gives a message, if an admin connect the server.
138. Nextmap, Currentmap, Time, TimeRemaning, and TimeInto.
139. Warn and punishment plugin
140. Generate admin commands for any server variable.
141. Kick all players but your clanmates for practice.
142. Radiomenu for TFC
143. Teleport player(s) to you or another player.
144. AM commands for every server variable
145. Set sv_alltalk or vote for it
146. Realbot Administration
147. Yaki Quit Plugin
148. Frontline Force specific commands.
149. Clan vs public
150. Voting for a map
151. Changing sv_alltalk variable
152. Track chat and admin command usage
153. Vote for restart round
154. Alltalk votes and auto-responses.
155. Restrict playing time for non-members
156. Creates res files
157. Hook Control Plugin
158. Anticonc Detection Plugin (for TFC)
159. Planned Server Shutdown

More retribution...CS Style Download

This plugin adds two admin commands that should deter cheating in CS. It takes the original code by KaReL and [fah-q] Dio and impliments it as a plugin.

The new commands added are:

Plants target in the ground, makes him glow green, and drop all his goods. To bad you can't drop a grenade.

Un-plants the target after a bury. Don't know why you'd want to.

Get/Set the number of seconds the buried player should glow.

-[ Dio ]- - Last revised: 31.07.2001

This plugin contains speech functions and commands. Download

This plugin contains speech functions for all mods. Not only does it add a set of speech commands, it also adds the ability to speak the timeleft on the map when a users enters "timeleft" as a message.

New Commands:
Speak words on system of target.

Speak words on system of everyone.

Speak words on systems of everyone on team.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 05.07.2001

Enables easy admin_chat and admin_say key binding. Download

This plugin lets you keep the console away. This updated version from sank include a load of new mod commands.

New Commands:
Use the admin_chat command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_chatmode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

Do an rcon say command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_rconmode"
Access required: ACCESS_RCON

Use the admin_say command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_saymode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

Use the admin_csay command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_csaymode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

Use the admin_rsay command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_rsaymode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

Use the admin_ssay command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_ssaymode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

Use the admin_tsay command without having to use the console.
Usage: bind a key to "admin_tsaymode"
Access required: ACCESS_SAY

-[ sank ]- - Last revised: 23.07.2001

Friendly fire votes and auto-responses. Download

This plugin enables friendly fire votes and auto-responses.

There is only one new command.
Starts a vote to enable/disable friendly fire.

The other features of this script is to handle the usual chat messages ff on?, ff is on?, friendly fire on? and respond with the FF status on the server.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 16.04.2001

Kick everyone without clan tags and set a password. Download

Remember this one? This was originally by -=CW=-KaReL*recon* but it has been updated for the new plugin format. It let's you declare two clan tags, check that everyone has them, and kick anyone that doesn't. Then it puts a password on the server.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2001

Add weapon restriction votes in Counter-Strike. Download

If you load this plugin after the plugin_cs, you'll have a new voting command to work with.

Starts a vote to enable/restrict weapons.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2001

Help a newbie access the console. Download

This plugin enables you too quickly enable the console for someone who needs it.

New Command:
Enable the console and bind the standard key to it for a player.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2001

Add gravity voting to your server. Download

This plugin enables gravity votes by clients and auto-responses.

Note: You might want to turn your vote_freq down to 15 or 30 in server.cfg if your going to have a lot of voting happening (FF, Grav, other etc.)

** note **
Thanks to -[MayheM]- for a couple fixes he put into this script.

-[ BenTheMeek ]- - Last revised: 18.04.2001

A few file access functions in a plugin. Download

Here is a plugin lets you modify server files. Here are the function descriptions.

Search a file for matching pattern.

Display the requested page number from a text file.

Append/overwrite a file line.

Delete a file line.

Reset a file.

Delete a file.

-[ [NIAFC]T ]-

plugin_[niafc] - Last revised: 04.05.2001

Fun Mode Voting..Sounds Fun! Download

Here is a little plugin to do voting on fun mode.

New Commands:
Starts a vote to enable/disable fun mode.

-[ [JP] MrLOL ]- - Last revised: 17.04.2001

Ooooh the colours.... Download

Do you want to see freaky text change colour before your eyes? Do you want to feel like you are on some kind of powerful drug?


Ok, fine be that way...anyway, you will love this plugin. admin_rsay will make your average csays fade from one colour to another with ease and no need for psychedelic (sic?) drugs...:D

admin_rsay <colour1> <colour2> Message

Note: You MUST REPLACE your current file found in the include directory with the one found in the zip file.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 25.04.2001

More votes than a Florida Election! Download

This full featured vote plugin enables non-admins to start votes for LowNormal gravity, Pistols only, Disable AWP's and enabledisable ff. It also offers status auto-responses to tell the current state of weapon restrictions, current state of gravity (if low also returns numeric value) and also the current state of friendly fire.

Admins can use:
Starts a vote on Low/Normal Gravity.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_gravity.

Starts a vote for Pistols only.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_pistols.

Starts a vote to disable AWP's.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_awp.

Starts a vote to enable/disable ff.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_ff.

Toggles AWP restricted buying on/off without a vote.

Toggles pistols only buying on/off without a vote.

All commands and auto-responses can be disable entirely using switches at the top of the script. Custom gravity level values can now be set(be sure to set these). Auto votes can be enabled. Public vote starts can be disable by default using switches. Also, changes now are registered in console as well as using centersay in case someone missed what it said.

Note: If your running a low gravity server, please set LowGV to your default gravity and let your players vote for normal gravity.

-[ KrezerJ ]- - Last revised: 25.04.2001

Add a touch of class... or ass to your llama's Download

This will give your llama's a voice.. funny as hell to hear your llama's ooorgle in battle.

Throw the wav files into your sounds\misc dir add the plugin to your ini file and toss the amx into your dlls folder and your off!

-[ -=CPU=- R3AP3R ]- - Last revised: 25.05.2001

This is a lazy mans addon for AdminMod. Download

This plugin allows both short console commands and says to do admin commands.

New commands:
csay, psay, tsay, vsay, ssay, chat, slap, slay, bury, unbury, llama, unllama, gag, ungag

Just use the commands as you would the full versions. You can use the console or just "say" them (with their params of course).

If you want to use the bury/unbury you will need my plugin_dio_cs

-[ [fah-q] Dio ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Centersays with sound. Cool. Download

This plugin basically plays an audio file then displays a csay message afterwards. ie. admin_message this is a test would play the message.wav ("message from administration") and display "this is a test" in centersay after the wav completes.

Included in this zip:

  1. message.wav (place in mod\sound\misc dir)
  2. plugin_adminmessage.sma (for editing)
  3. plugin_adminmessage.amx (place in mod\dll dir)
  4. (place in Admin\scripting\include)
  5. mapname.res (change name to a map on your server and place in mod\maps dir)

Make sure that you add the dll/plugin_adminmessage.amx to your plugin.ini file and you should be ready to rock!

-[ Shady Milkman ]- - Last revised: 09.06.2001

Setup your user security via the console. Download

New Admin commands and features that let you manipulate the users.ini file from the console. I use this to give my clan leaders the ability to add clan members for reserved slots and it saves me from manually editing the users.ini file and then running HL and admin_reload (or resetting the server)

admin_user_access <name in users.ini> <new access level>
Change access level of existing user.

admin_user_add <name in users.ini> <password>
Add a new users with password giving default access (specified in plugin, right now simply provides "reserved slot") Defaults to 32769 access level.
admin_user_del <name in users.ini>
Delete an entry.

Some changes were added to this plugin by LA.

  1. Temporary file name changed from "" to "users.tmp".
  2. Uses boolean "Found" rather than linenumber stuff. (Personal preference)
  3. Makes use of "users_file" cvar, rather than blindly looking for users.ini in mod directory.
  4. Deletes temporary file "users.tmp" at end of functions.
  5. Changed "#define DEFAULT_ACCESS" to a text string, did not work properly on Windows system.
  6. No longer reload()'s, or copyfile()'s when there is no need to do so.
  7. Also blank arguments can cause problem, should be handled now.
  8. Changed some messages to be more informative, fixed punctuation. (Pet pieve)
  9. Now uses ':' to seperate name from access or password, instead of whitespace.

    E.g. "admin_user_add Multi word name:qwerty" will successfuly add a new user with the name "Multi word name" and password "qwerty" without using quotes.

-[ Brazil ]- - Last revised: 12.07.2001

Private conversations like chat rooms Download

This plugin allows you to enter a private conversation with a target, and that target does not need to have any special access level. It also allows you to create up to 99999 private chat rooms, which you can have as many targets invited to as you wish.

New Commands
admin_private <target>
Enter private conversation with target.

admin_unprivate <target>
Leave private conversation with target.

admin_privateroom <room#> [<target>]
Put <target> in private chat room <room#>.
No <target> does self.

admin_unprivateroom [<target>]
Takes <target> out of private chat room.
No <target> does self.

-[ Scoutn ]- - Last revised: 23.07.2001

Forced Team Balancing Download

This plugin loosely based on admin_TFC.sma, allows forced team balancing by denying team join/switch to teams that would become uneven. In addition to this, the plugin also notifies the players in the server when teams are uneven (due to people disconnecting, etc).

This plugin currently only works in mods that have two teams, since I don't know how to get the number of teams in adminmod.

New Commands:
admin_balance on|off
Sets the forced team balancing.

-[ Killarny ]- - Last revised: 19.06.2001

Global Warfare taunt plugin Download

This plugin enables|disables the taunt messages in Global Warfare that people so often like to abuse.

(ie: "say_outloud 150" <- the evil Homer sound)

New Commands:
admin_gw_taunts on|off
Toggles taunts in say_outloud and say_radio commands.

-[ Killarny ]- - Last revised: 19.06.2001

A bunch of commands for you Admins. Download

What can I say. This contains a mix of commands.

New Commands:
admin_vsay2 <question> <response1> <response2> <response6>
Similar to admin_vsay, but rather than asking a Yes/No question, you can have up to six responses.
Ex. admin_vsay2 'What food does the admin like the most?' Cheese Bacon Spam

Single quotes must be used.

admin_mslap <target> <# slaps>
Slaps <target> multiple times. Only the last slap sends <target> somewhere (plus you get a console full of non-precached sound errors)

admin_glow2 <target> <R> <G> <B>
Makes <target> glow a specific RGB color. Can be used on a specific person.

admin_noimmune <command and params>
Ignores immunity for this one command.

admin_freeze <target>
admin_unfreeze <target>

Freezes/Unfreezes <target>. Like admin_bury/admin_unbury, but is mod-independent.

-[ Steve ]- - Last revised: 04.07.2001

Stop users or teams in their tracks. Download

Admin_stop is a plugin I designed mainly for use in clan matches. It can be used to stop teams or users from moving. This is particularly handy for me because when trying to practice with my clan, the attackers usually get bored waiting for the defence to set up and they attack, which can be very annoying.

New Commands:
admin_stop <USER> 1|0
Stops a targeted user from moving even when they die and respawn.

admin_stopteam 1|2
Stops a targeted team from moving.
(same as above but targets at a whole team rather than a single player)

Admin_StartTeam 1|2
Gives a team back the ability to move again.

This command can also be used to punish players like TK etc.. It stops a user from being able to access there console when there in Stop mode and also stops them from shooting or/and pressing the escape key.

All these things it disables are re-enabled when a user is allowed to move again. Stops are now logged to stoplist.txt

-[ Dan ]- - Last revised: 16.12.2001

Clan match Setup and timer. Download

This plugin let's you declare two clan tags, check that everyone has them, and kick anyone that doesn't. Then it puts a password on the server, and restarts the round in 10 secs. It then starts a timer that displays the timeleft every minute or with the admin_matchtime command. The timer can be turned off and with the admin_matchtimer on/off command.

Admin_clanmatch <clan tag 1> <clan tag 2> <serverpassword>
Activates timer, kicks non clan players, passwords the server, restarts the round. The match roundtime length is the length of EACH of the 2 rounds you will play.

Starts the second round (use when prompted).

Ends the match.

-[ TheJew ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2002

A HLDS map vote that keeps showing the winning map Download

This is another replacment for the stock HLDS map vote included in AM. This one will display the winning map so far at timed intervals during the vote. It also contains the votetime function from GeSpot.

-[ Josh ]- - Last revised: 12.07.2001

A nice server shutdown. Download

This script provides a "nice" server shutdown message (30 secs) before exiting HLDS. By default, the only people authorized to use this script are "rcon access" admins.

-[ sank ]- - Last revised: 12.07.2001

Commands for working with bots. Download

The plugin is designed to work with two bots, Podbot and Realbot. The commands are run as rcon commands are ( from the server console ) meaning this allows users with the correct access level to control the bots on a server wthout the need to give them rcon access or admin_rcon.

-[ Wraith, ]- - Last revised: 23.07.2001

Private clan chat messages. Download

This plugin will allow clan members to talk to each other in game without public members of the game seeing it. I have set the access level to the same level as admin_gag and admin_ungag, change it if you please. Only people in your user.ini file that have access to admin_gag will see or be able to use this feature. I created this program to help us watch for cheaters, not to be used as a cheat.

admin_clanchat [ msg ]
Send the msg to all players with admin_gag access level.

-[ Kosh Vorlon ]- - Last revised: 01.08.2001

Gravity voting to stop those cute little bunny hoppers. Download

Modifications to plugin_democracy:
Can now vote for high gravity.

So much for bunny hoppers. (-;

-[ [SNAFU]SniperDan ]- - Last revised: 30.07.2001

An updated shutdown. Download

I finally got this baby updated the way I wanted it originally. Same script, it just plays this wav first.

This updated shutdown script provides a "nice" server shutdown message (30 secs), and an audio file before exiting HLDS. By default, the only people authorized to use this script are "rcon access" admins.

-[ Kleen13 ]- - Last revised: 30.07.2001

An enhanced point script. Download

admin_seeuser Doesn't insert the name as the first parameter to the command. Instead it looks through the passed commands for the following text strings and replaces them with the appropriate data.... $user, $team, $wonid, $sesid, $slot, and $dead.

It also has a 2 part function for just locking a user's data into a companion function that takes the same arguments.

admin_lockuser is a command that doesnt take any arguments, but instead locks in the userdata and tells you whether it succeeded or not, then there is admin_lockeduser which takes the user data for the user you locked in and replaces the same strings that admin_seeuser does.

-[ [WHO]Them ]- - Last revised: 01.08.2001

Lock your CS teams. Download

This plugin allows the admin to lock the teams. It doesn't allow anybody to be able to switch teams and is made for clans that want to play 2v7 or something.

-[ Josh ]- - Last revised: 26.08.2001

A plugin for unblocking doorways that are blocked by a dispenser or a sentrygun. Download

There are four commands, two for removing a sentrygun, two for removing a dispenser:

admin_detsentry <target> - Removes the target's sentry gun.
admin_detsg <target> - Removes the target's sentry gun.

admin_detdispenser <target> - Removes the target's dispenser.
admin_detdisp <target> - Removes the target's dispenser.

-[ Psychosis ]- - Last revised: 04.09.2001

Ban voting...I love to ban. Download

This plugin will allowo you to vote for banning a player.

admin_vote_ban <name|wonid> <time>
Start a ban vote on a player. Zero time is perma-ban.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 01.10.2001

THE clanmatch plugin. Download

This is now v1.9a

This plugin let's you declare two clan tags, check that everyone has them, and kick anyone that doesn't. Then it puts a password on the server, and restarts the round in 10 secs and sets all match server settings. It can then start a timer that displays the timeleft every minute or with the admin_matchtime command(also through the use of the say commands). The timer can be turned off with the admin_matchtimer on/off command. Then the server settings can be restored to the normal game paly settings and the server name restored to normal with admin_endmatch command. Scores can also be made to display each round.

-[ [HDK]DragonReborn ]- - Last revised: 25.01.2002

A replacement for plugin_base that has more colours. Download

This is a updated plugin_base.sma I just added some more colors to admin_tsay and admin_csay

They new colors are Terq (Tercouice), Skyblue, brown, lime, orange, teal, pink, aqua, navy (Navy blue) and olive.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

A new admin_kick that remembers. Download

I created a new admin_kick (a modified plugin_base.sma). The difference between the new admin_kick and the old one is that this one remembers the last five people kicked, and warns you if they come back, even under a different name. It also tells you what the name of the player was at the time he was kicked. It looks like this:

(Warning) <new name> has been recently kicked. (<old name>)

So if I was on a server under the name Psychosis, you kicked me, and I changed my name to RandomGuy before returning, it would say this to all admins when I reconnected:

(Warning) RandomGuy was recently kicked. (Psychosis)

-[ Psychosis ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Votes for camping, afk and ban. Download

The Republic Plugin allows client users to vote_camper, vote_afk, and vote_ban people using the vote system. Vote_camper votes to kill someone, vote_afk votes to kick someone, and vote_ban votes to ban someone as long as the ban time is not infinate and less than 10000 minute (approx. one week). There are some gimicks though to avoid abuse. If the vote fails, the user who initiated the vote is banned for a certain amount of time depending on the vote he initiated. Also, these votes cannot be commensed if less than six people are playing to avoid biased judgement on small servers.

-[ Jimbo Hackenslash ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

Cheat and speed commands Download

This plugin will allow you to set certain commands on your server

admin_cheats 1|0
1 = sv_cheats allowed on server.

admin_maxspeed <speed>
Default Speed is 320 Maximum allowed speed is 400 after 400 it doesn't
speed up.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Set Rates and Sendvelocity Plugin. Download

This plugin will allow you to edit your server rates and server sendvelocity.

admin_maxrate <rate>
Edits servers maxrate.

admin_minrate <rate>
Edits servers minrate.

admin_sendvelocity 1|0
Edits sendvelocity (Low Lag Graphics = 1)

NOTE: When you run this throu the compiler there will be Loose Indentation WARNINGS dont mind them. They're nothing bad.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

More fun voting. Download

This plugin will allow you to vote for funmode on/off


It will open a vote to turn on funmode or turn off funmode.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Block those creative curses. Download

This plugin blocks swearing when players try to creatively type it in (e.g. sh it).

The code is contains an initial comment explaining how the plugin works. One key thing to note, it needs to be placed before plugin_retribution in your plugin.ini file

-[ Mark Schlageter ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Disable chatting on the server. Download

This plugin lets you stop users ability to chat (you can stop team chat as well by commenting out a line in the sma). I have no idea why anyone would wan this but it was fairly popular on the forums so I thought I'd submit it anyway.

-[ Gnugy ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Disable HWguys in TFC Download

This is a script for all the admins who dont like hwguys running around killing all the innocent snipers :) if you want another classes script.

-[ Dale ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Class restriction commands Download

This plugin will allow you to restrict all TFC classes with votes or without votes.


Will open a vote to restrict that class.


Will restrict or enable that class.

So if your server has too many of 1 class vote restrict it or just restrict it.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

Slap voting for campers and the like. Download

This is a small plugin I wrote. It lets the people who have access to it (variable) start a vote, so the players can decide if the want to slap a certain player. Can come in handy if someone is camping. The number of slaps, the access level needed and the vote ratio can be set at compile time. A readme file is included in the zip archive.

-[ [-DEus-]Sleight_of_m ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

A slay and stack vote. Download

Adds two commands:
admin_vote_slay <target>
Starts a vote to slay target.

admin_vote_stack <target>
Starts a vote to nail to the ground.

These may be edited:
#define SLAY_RATIO 80 a number between 0 and 100
#define STACK_RATIO 80 a number between 0 and 100

The access, users need to use these commands: ACCESS_VOTE_KICK

-[ [IKR] Soul Man ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

Plugin to allow limited spectator use in TFC. Download

This plugin give admins the ability to limit the people that may use spectator mode in TFC. This plugin will enable spectator mode on the server.

Admins with 1024 access can use and force players into spectator mode. Normal users will be allowed to leave spectator mode but cannot enter it by themselves.

admin_spectate <user>
Puts a user in spectator mode. This command requires 1024 access.

-[ Wraith, ]- - Last revised: 04.12.2001

VoiceComm control. Download

All it really does is allow an admin to turn off a users VoiceComm, so they can't speak to the rest of the players. Really nice for those guys that leave the mic on and play a song or something.

There are three commands included in the plugin:

admin_mute <target>
admin_unmute <target>
admin_vote_mute <target>

Pretty self-explanatory.

-[ Pablo ]- - Last revised: 04.12.2001

Votes for gag and llama. Download

This plugin will give you the right to Vote to llama, gag, unllama, or ungag someone. Access required to use these commands is: 2 LoL just out of reach of the server clients.

This is to make sure that not everyone is running around your server gaging and llamaing everyone they dont like

admin_vote_gag <name>
Votes to gag someone.
admin_vote_ungag <name>
Votes to ungag a gaged person.
admin_vote_llama <name>
Votes to llama someone.
admin_vote_unllama <name>
Votes to unllama someone.

I made this script so the public can choose what happens to people on the server.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 04.12.2001

A very pretty map vote Download

This script replaces the admin_vote_map() function in the plugin_base. It allows people to nominate more than one map to vote on, so no more times when some annoying **** votes for de_dust AGAIN, people can have a choice! Each user can pick from a menu as follows

Which map?
1) No change
2) de_dawn
3) cs_militia

Where each map is nominated by a user. It will not let multiple entries for the same map. Users are not restricted from nominating more than one map. If it becomes a problem it is something that can be added at a later date.

I also included the ability to limit the maps people can vote for. The script maintains a list of the REMEMBERED_MAPS (defined in the script) most recent maps in lastmaps.ini. Any maps in this file it wont let you nominate as they won a vote to recently. The function may be useful to someone.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 16.12.2001

Cancel map votes. Download

This is a response to a request to be able to cancel map votes on the requests forums. To make it I edited Alfred's plugin_base, but I made it so that using it does not mean you have to replace your plugin_base, just follow the instructions and it works. It adds the function admin_cancelmapvote to the original map vote style, so during a vote the admin can force it to ignore the result. Full readme included.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 16.12.2001

A sniper vote. Download

This plugin allows a vote to have a sniperwar on a server. Any player may type admin_vote_sniper into console and a vote for it will appear.

-[ Bryan Clay ]- - Last revised: 19.12.2001

Updated: Leave messages for *specific* clients as they connect Download

This plugin will display a custom message to a specific client or clients as they connect, in effect paging them. To alert the user of an incoming message, one of six built in sound files (no extra files to download!) will be played shortly after they connect. Users can be identified by Exact Name match, Partial Name match, IP Address, or WONID. Names are not case sensitive. More than one message can be added for the same user. Admins will be able to add a message from their console during gameplay.

New features: The sound played and text displayed while sending messages to the user are now fully customizable.

Commands featured in this plugin:
admin_pager_mode (new!)
admin_pager_msg (new!)
admin_pager_sound (new!)

-[ HunteR ]- - Last revised: 23.10.2004

Map vote replacement Download

This plugin will bring up a vote for 5 random maps at the end of the round or when someone says 'rockthevote', etc., instead of open voting. You may also specify maps to be included in the vote. This is a direct replacement for plugin_hldsld_mapvote.sma. It will use all of the cvar settings for that plugin. It is highly recommended you remove that plugin if you are running this one.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 27.02.2002

Advanced Gravity Voting. Download

With this plugin you can vote for any gravity you want not like previous versions where you could only vote for Low or Normal Gravity. So it is much more handy and more versitile than the older gravity votes.

admin_vote_gravity <gravity>
Votes to change to selected gravity.

Use this command the same way you would use admin_gravity so just enter the gravity ammount you want.

admin_vote_gravity 300
Votes to change gravity to 300.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 20.12.2001

A nice map cycler Download

This plugin will allow you to change the mapcycle file depending on the day of the week. All the docs are in the zip.

-[ Sloth ]- - Last revised: 03.01.2002

Bans players based on their name. Download

If a player connects with a name that contains one of the entries listed in the text file, then they will get banned. If a player changes their name to one of the offending names, they will also get banned.

In the event that this plugin bans somebody, it will write a log to its own log file, NameBanLog.txt which contains entries with Date, Time, Name, and WONID:
01/02/02 12:23:34 mygot<54321>
01/02/02 12:34:56 myg0t<12345>

-[ sank ]- - Last revised: 15.11.2002

More democracy. Download

This is replacement for plugin_democracy that includes voting and status for shotguns only, smgs only, and rifles only though rifles only restarts the round and sets mp_Startmoney to 16000 so people have enough money for it).

-[ SR71Goku ]- - Last revised: 06.01.2002

Kick idle players. Download

The slot hound script will detect if the players on your server are inactive by tracking how long they are dead, and how long they are in the exact same location. You can set the maximum amounts and when exceeded the player will be warned, then the next minute they will be kicked. Please refer to the readme file for installation instuction and command information.

-[ KnightHawk ]- - Last revised: 20.01.2002

Protected vote commands that bite back. Download

This was created after a post on the admin-mod forums complained that people were using the vote command to give messages to their friends. This plugin blocks the vote function and, if it is a valid player, initiates a kick vote against them. There are options to tell the plugin to not say what the number was and an option to allow it to carry on as normal while still saying the callers name. Therefore, I think it covers most of the bases. A readme is included and the code is commented.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 20.01.2002

Warn an punish players. Download

I live on a LAN and people play on my server.

We have static IPs so I wanted something that would log who was being lame. That is where this plugin comes in. Admin_warn adds another warning to the user's details and punishes them as it goes. Each punishment is more severe than the previous one but the general list goes 1 ->2 slap, 3->4 bury, 5 -> 6 slay, 7 -> 10 kick, any more and they get banned. It is colour co-ordinated too, with later warnings taking a different colour (green, followed by yellow followed by red). So as not to leave people out if they dont want to ban by IP, I edited it quickly to ban by WonID.

admin_warn <name> <reason>
Adds a warning to the users total. YOU HAVE TO INCLUDE A REASON

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 28.01.2002

Stop teams in their tracks Download

Are you tired of those people running and jumping and shooting and knifing while you are trying to setup a practice or a match? Well I was. These commands will not screw with anyone's binds and I felt it was safer than doing something that did. All it does is bury a whole team at once or unbury them. After dropping all their weapons so they can't shoot. Be aware this plugin is pretty simple and if someone is in the process of jumping off a tall building or something at the moment then they may not be buried because all it does it get their current position and then transport them down a certain amount. You can do admin_stopteam 1 more than once though and then you will have to do admin_startteam more than once too. Doing it in the beginning of a round is best.

-[ BloodyO ]- - Last revised: 05.02.2002

Force client to take a screen shot. Download

This plugins adds the command admin_ss <user> that takes a snapshot on the user's computer. It can be used against cheaters.

-[ Evgeny Popovich ]- - Last revised: 24.11.2002

Change to CD Compliance Download

This plugin changes the Cheating Death-Compliance from required to optional and back again.

-[ ERHD ]- - Last revised: 14.02.2002

Remember player names. Download

This is plugin to remember player's original name define by his WONID and be able to recover it even if he changed his name. Should help eliminate peoples talking bs about clan, server etc. under new name and thinking that nobody can recognize them.

admin_who <player>
To check player.

admin_addname <player> <name_to_remember>
To add player to the list.

-[ j23 ]- - Last revised: 14.02.2002

Three DOD plugins in one. Download

This archive contains three files:

- plugin_dod_fog
- plugin_dod_sniper
- plugin_dod_mg

To start a vote say:
vote_fog or vote_mg or vote_sniper

With plugin dod_fog you can start a vote to enable fog
With plugin dod_sniper you can start a vote to disable sniper
With plugin dod_fog you can start a vote to disable mg

-[ Noplay ]- - Last revised: 18.02.2002

Force client to quit HL. Download

This plugin closes the HL of target player with the following command:
admin_quit <targetname>

-[ Mustafa ]- - Last revised: 18.02.2002

An updated Quit. Download

I made an newer version of plugin admin_quit. The Access level is now 128 (admin_kick) and Admins (with protection flag) are now protected from this command.

-[ Mustafa ]- - Last revised: 24.02.2002

Another cure for de_dust syndrome. Download

Are you tired of players loading the same maps over and over again? This plugin can track the last 5(or any number) maps played and not allow players to vote for those maps.

say maptracker
Displays maps that can not be voted on at this time.

displays maps that can not be voted on at this time.

admin_maptracker [number]
set the number of new maps before one may be repeated.

-[ KrezerJ ]- - Last revised: 17.03.2002

A map search plugin. Download

This plugin allows users to search thru all the maps on your server. You will need to create a file called "tmaps.txt" and place it in your Mod directory. This file should contain a list of all the maps you have available to play. The easiest way to create this file is to copy your maps.ini file, rename the copy to tmaps.txt. Add 8 blank lines to the end of tmaps.txt and save it in your mod directory.

admin_maplist <number>
Returns a list of 9 maps starting from number.

admin_search <target>
Returns up to 9 maps containing the search target

Instructs on the use of ejl_listmaps.

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Control the rate of your clients. Download

This plugin varies sv_maxrate based on the number of players on your server while staying within limits original sv_maxrate & sv_minrate setting.

admin_bandwidth <rate>
To Set Available Bandwidth in kBps (Bytes/s).

admin_bandwidth <rate>k
To Set Available Bandwidth in kbps (Bits/s).

admin_bandwidth 0
To Disable Rate Management, Restore Settings.

Credits: RBBOT for the original & the backbone of this plugin.

-[ ymboc ]- - Last revised: 25.03.2002

Rate Management Plugin Download

The rate management plugin adjusts every players "rate" every time a new player joins or leaves the game. The "rate" controls how frequently the client contacts the server, and is measured in bytes per second - e.g. A 56K modem has a theoretical rate capacity of 56 * 1024/8 = 7168.

Some players with fast Internet connections set their rate very high, which gives them a slight advantage in the game over those with lower rates as they can send and receive updates about the position of each player more frequently. Some do this intentionally picking very high rates, others pick moderately high rates by selecting "T1/LAN" as their connection speed from the GUI menu when joining a server.

When such players connect to a server that has a fairly low bandwidth connection (for a server), such as those on low-end Cable / DSL, the server's connection will be flooded and packets to all players will be dropped. If the overload is low, this will manifest in the game as lag. If the overload is high and a large number of packets will be dropped, this will manifest as the game freezing for short periods (1-10 seconds). The ping of every Internet user will also race to around 2000+. Of course local users who experience no packet loss on their LAN connection will often not notice this has happened immediately, and guess who is normally the admin...

This plugin allows the server admin to set a total amount of "rate" to be shared amongst all players connected. Whenever a new player connects, each player's share of that overall pool of rate is updated to an equal slice. It does this by setting server side limits and by issuing a command across the network that is run on the client.

This dual approach ensures that the settings can't be overridden by the players, but the player can see the changes to their rate.

NOTE: This plugin only helps to reduce "lag spikes" caused by this specific phenomenon - it does not eliminate lag entirely, or reduce the lag of players when the server has enough bandwidth to function correctly. Do not e-mail me just to complain that your server is still laggy after installing it - you will be ignored.

ALSO NOTE: The ping time of the player with the high rate is completely irrelevant in all this. Ping time is a measure of how long a single packet takes to travel from the server to the client and back. It is not the time one packet takes that is of relevance, it is the number of packets received per second.

So why not just set sv_maxrate?

sv_maxrate is a server side variable that controls the maximum rate any individual player can use. However, consider the following: You have a 128K server connection and want a 6 player game. If you were to use sv_maxrate to limit the rate, you would have to set it to 2730, which is quite low.

If you use this plugin, when six people are on your server, the rate would still be set to 2730. However, when less than six are playing, the rate will raised to improve everyone's game performance. The plugin ensures your server bandwidth is kept near full utilisation regardless of how many are playing.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Map Management Plugin Download

This plugin attempts to provide all-round improvements to the way your server changes map. There are two primary functions:

  1. It allows you to set a number of "victory" conditions under which the map changes, based on player and team scores as well as time.
  2. It provides a fair means of voting for the next map that is accessible to all players, not just those that are familiar with the plugin.

However, even on servers where no voting is required and you do not wish to use the advanced victory conditions, this plugin can still be used to improve the way the map cycle is handled.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Name Management Plugin Download

The Name Management Plugin regulates the names of players that connect to your server. This can be used for a number of purposes:

  • To prevent players using the default name for your game mod such as 'Player' or 'Private', which can lead to multiple players in the game with similar names - Player, (1) Player, (2) Player etc. causing confusion, and to Player sitting at the top of your server stats.
  • To prevent players using very short names, such as "." which means you don't notice their name appear on the screen when you aim at the camping gits.
  • To prevent players attempting to exploit Half-life/ Counter-strike/ Admin Mod script loop holes (many of which are fixed anyway). Many admin commands allow you to use either a player id, wonid or name to identify a player. Some players give themselves a numeric name which may match another players id or wonid, hence causing you to issue the commands on the wrong player.
  • To make player names easier to read and/ or type.
  • To identify players who are ghosting - i.e. can see each others screen/chat. The plugin can modify their name with a 'LAN Tag' to indicate who is ghosting, announce warnings to the other players, and automatically switch on/off forced chase camera mode.
  • To prevent players from changing their name whilst connected. (personally, I wouldn't recommend this)
  • If Logd is present on the server, the plugin will not alter a players name until after they have chosen a team, so that they get a change to see the information messages explaining why it has happened.

Each of these functions can be independently enabled and disabled by the admin, and a number of options can be modified to control how stringent the restrictions are.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Another DoD plugin to try. Download

Here is another DoD plugin that gives not only access to some common cvars but also allows you to move players to different teams.

admin_ally <player>
Force a player to change to the Ally team.

admin_axis <player>
Force a player to change to the Axis team.

Plus there are admin commands to limit the classes on each team.

-[ SR71Goku ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2002

A more flexible Highlander system. Download

This plugin performs much the same function as the cvar admin_highlander, except it is more flexible. It allows a group of top admins to have their complete access (as specified in users.ini) to admin commands, while admins not in the group will only have limited access. Admins not in the top group are ranked 11-25. If there are no admins from the top group on, only one admin, the highest ranking admin from 11-25 will have their complete access. So unlike admin_highlander, every admin still gets a little action, such as access to csay, ban, kick etc., just nothing that affects the whole server. This is a smarter admin_highlander. Also the rank has nothing to do with access level. Two admins who have the same access can be ranked differently.

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Limit the use of standard admin commands. Download

This plugin limits commands without modifying the base plugins. It sets the intervals of most (if not all) standard commands.

You have to check outthe readme for full details.

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Redirect players to another server Download

This plugin is configurable by admin_commands or by editing vault data. It will use default settings when not initialized previously. It generates out put, showing ### playername ==> server they were sent to @ what time it happened. It also recognizes reserved slot rights and will not redirect admins.

Best if used with reserve_type 1 and redirect_slots 0

-[ Dead_One ]- - Last revised: 19.04.2002

Display information messages to clients. Download

This is a very little plugin that allows you to easily give information messages for all clients.

admin_isay <message>
Say to all clients IMPORTANT INFO MESSAGE: <message>.

-[ Cr@b ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2002

This is a clan tag check plugin Download

This plugin checks the WONID of everyone in the server and sees if they are using a tag. If they are, and they are not in your clan, it boots them. It speaks in the HL voice almost anything then it prints a message in their console to change the tag and then it kicks the user.

All of the WONIDs are now stored in an external configuration file.

-[ coopstah13 ]- - Last revised: 15.04.2002

Teleport Plugin Download

The goal of this plugin is to facilitate teleporting. It is specially useful in cooperative maps, concjumps and pipejumps maps where it can be very frustrating for players to die after long and
hard work...

-[ Bahrmanou ]- - Last revised: 18.08.2005

NeoTF Key bindings for n00bs Download

This plugin binds keys for players who useNeoTF. The following keys are bound for them:


The commands You can use are

admin_neobind <target>
binds those 5 keys for user.

binds it for all users.

client command to get the keys binded.

-[ Marlin Thai ]- - Last revised: 15.04.2002

Protect Tag Plugin Download

This plugin will allow you to protect your clan tag or your name with your wonid. Unauthorizaed users will be kicked, banned, or have their name changed to IMPOSTER.

Read the tags.txt file for instructions on how to set up the tags file.

-[ Bossman ]- - Last revised: 19.01.2005

Make adding new Admins a snap! Download

This plugin takes away the hassal of adding new admins as you all know it takes a long time to explain to newbies how to get everything right so they can be an admin. Well all you have to do now is add their wonid in the way thats explained in the readme.

This plugin gets rid of all base plugins that come with admin mod and sank_shutdown and the speech plugin. Now one thing bad about this is if you have any other custom plugins that have above 0 or 1 access they wont work. If you do want them to work i'll see what i can do if you send me what commands that aren't in my plugin that you want and i should be able to put it in. all the commands are explained in the readme.

-[ [OLA] Death To ]- - Last revised: 16.04.2002

Voting for Cheating Death required. Download

This plugin enables clients to vote for the value of the cvar "cdrequired". It is exactly analogous to ff votes. The vote comes up automatically after 5 and 10 minutes after the round start, or can be called by clients saying vote_cd. The plugin also autoresponds about the status of cd if certain keywords are said by clients.

-[ geniusly ]- - Last revised: 18.04.2002

Lure players to your empty server with a popular map Download

This is a very simple plugin: it switches map to de_dust (or any map) when the user count goes to 0 (optionally 1 with hltv) or is below some number at end of map.

-[ Buddha-Pest ]- - Last revised: 09.12.2002

Allows team changing for the Science and Industry mod. Download

Plugin to allow team changing for the Science and Industry mod.


admin_blue : Changes target to the blue team. (MCL)
admin_green : Changes target to the green team. (AFD)
admin_bindvote : Binds the vote to the v key for the target.
admin_popoff : turns help popups off for the target.

-[ Paul ]- - Last revised: 09.09.2003

A simple voting plugin to enable/disable microphone use. Download

This is just a fun little plugin for when a bunch of friends are playing and want to taunt each other if there are no admins around to turn alltalk on. It turns alltalk on and off by vote.

-[ Argus ]- - Last revised: 09.09.2003

Allows for control of JoeBots through AdminMod. Download

This plugin derived from plugin_bot, but is specific to JoeBot. This allows for control of JoeBots through AdminMod. The following commands are supported:

admin_addbot: Adds a bot. Parameters are as normal for the Bot
admin_endround: End the bot round.
admin_kickbots: Kick all Bots.
admin_botshooton: Turn on bot shoot.
admin_botshootoff: Turn off bot shoot.
admin_addbotct: Add a Counter Terrorist Bot.
admin_addbott: Add a Terrorist Bot.
admin_kickbotct: Kick a Counter Terrorist Bot.
admin_kickbott: Kick a Terrorist Bot.
admin_fillserver: Fill the server with Bots.

-[ Jay Jacobson ]- - Last revised: 09.09.2003

Control the behaviour of Halfd while in-game. Download

This plugin creates several commands that allow users to control the behaviour of halfd while in-game.
Note that this plugin is optional - halfd and adminmod will work together just fine without it.

For more information on halfd, visit

-[ Maelstrom ]- - Last revised: 09.09.2003

Call for an admin Download

This plugin allows players to chat to administrators at any time, regardless of what team they are on and whether they are dead. It also provides a way for the administrator to respond to the player.

This allows players to report suspected cheaters without alerting the cheater, and to comment on the configuration of the server without bothering everyone else in the game.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Activates vote allowance when no admin in online Download

This plugin detects when an administrator is on the server, and changes the Admin Mod default_access to 1. When there are no administrators present, it sets the default_access to 0. This means that when an Administrator is on the server, the general public will not be able to use admin_vote_map, admin_vote_kick or any other level 1 Admin Mod commands.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Switching server configurations online Download

This plugin allows you to switch your server between configurations while the server is running. You can define separate configurations for the server settings in server.cfg, separate configurations for most metamod plugins (adminmond,statsme,clanmod,hlguard) and different sets of adminmod plugins.

However you must still load the same set of metamod plugins in each configuration.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Natural Selection End of Round Plugin Download

The Natural Selection End of Round Plugin corrects a bug in the Natural Selection mod. Currently when a round ends, every player is moved to the ready room. If there are a large number of players on the server this can often crash the server.

This plugin provides a temporary workaround for this problem by moving the players back to the ready room in groups of 8 rather than moving all players at the same item.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Email Report Plugin Download

The e-mail plugin allows players to send a one line e-mail message to a specified e-mail address. The server administrator sets the destination address when configuring the plugin.

The message will contain the message entered, along with the WONID/ STEAMID and name of the player sending it.

This plugin requires the Microsoft SMTP Service to be running on the server. Therefore it only works on Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 (any version), Windows XP Professional or Windows .NET Server (any version), and requires the SMTP component to be installed.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Scripts on the server Download

The script plugin allows the server administrator to create a script of console commands and Admin Mod commands that will be run whilst a game is in progress.

The script can contain wait commands that pause for a specific time limit or a specific number of rounds. e.g.

wait 10 minutes
sv_gravity 200
admin_command admin_csay blue "Low gravity enabled for 2 rounds"
wait 2 rounds
sv_gravity 800
wait 10 minutes
sv_airaccelerate -15
admin_command admin_csay blue "Matrix jumping enabled for 2 rounds"
wait 2 rounds
sv_airaccelerate 15

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Team Change Plugin Download

This plugin updates the admin_t and admin_ct commands so that if they are used on a player that is alive, the team change does not actually occur until the end of the round. This prevents the administrator from killing a player when attempting to change their team. The usage is no different to the standard plugin_cs versions, and there are no configuration options.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Whois Plugin Download

The Whois plugin keeps a record of all players that have played on your server. It can provide details on the different names they have played under, the frequency at which they play and their relative performance when there is and isn't an administrator present. It can also detect players connecting from the same IP address but with different WONIDs so you can tell when a banned player returns with a new WONID, and it can mediate which players are required to use Cheating-Death.

Main features:

  • In-game reporting
  • Browse whois database from the web
  • Integration with HLGuard
  • Tracks your admins' suspicions on individual players
  • Cross-references IP addresses and Names to detect banned players rejoining
  • Reports on players rejoining after being temp banned or kicked, or leaving then rejoining with a different name
  • Spots players connecting from the same IP address or subnet
  • Logs repeated or suspicious team kills
  • Cheating-Death mediation - the plugin will determine when a player needs to use Cheating-Death

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

An additional CS plugin. Download

When we played our first clan war we discovered there were some commands lacking from the standard CS plugin. So i made a new one to run alongside it.

It adds 12 AM commands (access level 2), that really only are needed during clan wars :


Each command comes with it's own help line, so it should be easy to get to grips with.

-[ BlueDemon ]- - Last revised: 02.01.2003

General vote plugin Download

Someone asked for a general vote plugin and someone started to write one using multiple "if" statements. This one seemed much more elegant. Some commands are restricted to those who have access to admin_rcon, others are restricted so that NOONE may use them.

Features are as follows:

  • Allows you to vote over ANYTHING, admin commands and HL/CS/TFC cvars.
  • 0.20 Supports supports AM 2.50.50
  • Follows the Quake3Arena idea of "callvote command" where command can be anything.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Allow to cancel any vote command Download

Someone asked for it on the admin_requests forum. This allows you to cancel any vote command which was started by a lesser admin or by a "random". Is quite useful to keep the peace.

Features are as follows:

  • Replaces all the vote commands in the plugin_base with versions which may be cancelled by an admin using admin_cancel_vote.
  • Version 1.1 supports adminmod up to 2.50.11, 1.2 supports 2.50.26.
  • Compatible with other plugins on this page, just place plugins you wish to take prescidence above this in your plugins.ini YOU DONT HAVE TO REPLACE YOUR PLUGIN_BASE, just put this above it in the plugins.ini.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

CS-Guard style of centersay Download

Someone asked for the CS-Guard style of centersay. Someone also asked for a private form of csay and tsay. Also, someone asked for a version for Sharpsnipers "plugin_base" that added the extra colours while not replacing the other commands. While creating the CSG-Say feature I found that I could improve on Bud-Froggys original rsay plugin (where I got some of the colours from) while also adding the new "flicker-say" that will do csg-say between different colours. Ergo, admin_fsay blue will do a CSGuard style say but in blue instead of orange.

WARNING - THere is a bug in the ADMINMOD .dll that causes the server to seg-fault and quit if you use this plugin from the console. I have therefore blocked this action. This is not a problem with this plugin and the AM authors have been notified. This also does not effect the use of this command by a player in the game.

Features are as follows:

  • Adds "admin_rsay [colour] [colour] {message}" (Rainbow-say) as a centersay that fades from one colour to the next.
  • Adds "admin_fsay [colour] [colour] {message}" (Flicker-say) as a centersay that flickers between two colours.
  • The [colours] are both optional with the default as white for the first colour fading out to nothing as the second colour.
  • Adds "admin_csgsay {message}" (CS Guard-say) as a centersay similar to CS Guard's centersay which automatically adds the colours orange and none to gie the required effect.
  • Adds extra colours to admin_csay and admin_tsay.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Tag any vote function Download

This is a lovely little script that will tag any vote function you throw at it. It is a request from the forums that gives a funky realtime update in tsay on what is winning the vote, how long is left etc.... Tags vsay, vote_kick and vote_map by default but nothing is stopping you from tagging any other vote you have on your server.

Features are as follows:

  • 0.11 adds support for plugin_cavey_cancelvote. Now you can cancel votes and this will stop declaring the result. If you dont use my cancel vote script the command will only cancel the display so you may aswell use 1.0.
  • A tsay that updates every second with the time left in the vote and the current standings, ie 0 - Yes, 3 - No

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Option to kick the person who started the vote Download

The original request asked for "plugin_base by Psycosis without the rest of the stuff that came with it, and the option to kick the person who started the vote". Well, I did that and added the option to cancel the vote (is mandetory for my plugins :) ), and that was version 0.7, though with bug fixes I produced 0.76. Anyway, along the way I completely re-wrote it and the only problem left in 0.75 is that if the player immediatly changes their name and do not change it back it will not spot them.

Anyway, so time went on and I slowly got bored of it only working on the net by WonID, so I thought I would re-write it from the ground upwards. This is still in BETA but you are free to download the code. BETA 0.92 works and does exactly what it says on the tin. HOWEVER, it is designed to fix a bug that anounces every player as someone who has been kicked despite them not being kicked. If there are any issues, please let me know!

Features are as follows:

  • From version 0.9 it logs kicks to a file with date and either IP or WonID. This plugin will NEVER forget, though I will add a "reset memory" function for the first non-beta version or maybe before. 0.9x fixes the bugs.
  • If a client is kicked via admin_vote_kick or admin_kick, it remembers their WonID and alerts an admin that they were kicked. This list can be amintained FOREVER.
  • An admin can cancel a vote_kick using admin_cancel_kick.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

A server side command menu Download

For those admins who find they cannot live without their commandmenu.txt, this is a server side command menu.

Features are as follows:

  • Completely configurable via the and vault.ini for ANY modification.
  • AdminMod 2.50.37+ compatible ONLY. Anyone found trying to run this on 2.50.26 will be named and shamed.
  • Allow any user (or restrict it if you wish) to use "admin_menu" to bring up a text "buy menu" style menu that they can select commands from using their buttons. A users access level does control what they can execute and things which are not implimented through adminmod have their own limitations.
  • There is the option to include "toggles" for cvars. For example "mp_startmoney" can have a base value of 800 which increments by 800 every time you select the menu option.
  • Also able to include console commands like "quit" and they get their own access level which you can change in the vault.ini.
  • You can also add player directed command. For example you can add "admin_ban" such that when selected it will display the list of users for you to try and ban.
  • Wraith provided a menu parser. A nice app that checks and helps edit menu files.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Page the admins on the server Download

This plugin allows "normal" users to page the admins on the server with whatever ails them. This means that they can complain about cheaters without public ridicule. I did this by hooking the standard admin_chat command...

Features are as follows:

  • admin_page will send the message to all people with ACCESS_CHAT

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Privately message people in csay and tsay Download

This is proof of concept that you can privately message people in csay and tsay form.

Features are as follows:

  • admin_ptsay will privately message player as a yellow tsay
  • admin_pcsay will privately message player as a green csay

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

Different types of TSay Download

Features are as follows:

  • Version A - admin_tsay simply puts the user/admins name at the start of the tsay
  • Version B - admin_tsay works as A but the name is only included if the player has access to ACCESS_CHAT
  • Version C - admin_tsay This sends the message as a "say" message to admins with access to ACCESS_CHAT.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

A better kick command Download

This plugin will play a wav file and then kick the player.

admin_kick2 <target>
Says Goodbye and kicks target

-[ Rufius ]- - Last revised: 17.12.2001

laserbeam Metamod Plugin control. Download

Here is a plugin that I worked on for the laserbeam.dll in MetaMod. It includes options to turn them on and off and also to have a vote for them. Also included, is the DLL file that is need for the plugin to work.

You can get the source to the laserbeam plugin here or there is also a link to it on the Metamod web site.

-[ SR71Goku ]- - Last revised: 18.12.2001

Change between server configs. Download

This plugin gives server Admins the ability to change the rules on the server. The special thing about this is the server owner creates specific rule files that are located in a rules folder. The plugin will only use these rule files so there is no way Admins can execute any .cfg file on the server.

This command with no parameters will list the rules you have stored in a
rules directory.

admin_rules <rule file>
This will execute the file named rule file.cfg on the server.

-[ izeburn ]- - Last revised: 20.02.2002

Redirect people to allied server. Download

Lets the connecting peeps connect to allied server.

admin_redirect 'hlip:port': Changes the server redirection.
admin_redirect_slot <num>: Changes the redirect # of grabed slots.

Last option works like reserved slots.

-[ Dead_One ]- - Last revised: 27.04.2004

A german translation of the standard admin plugins. Download

A big thanks to Stillsetzhut for translating the standard AdminMod plugins to German.

-[ Stillsetzhut ]- - Last revised: 21.09.2004

Set and store sv_alltalk Download

Sets sv_alltalk, so everybody can talk to each other.
Just install and go.
Setting of sv_alltalk is stored in vault.ini in order to overwrite changed settings caused by the server.cfg during mapchange.

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 13.10.2002

Flexible bot management (The better Fakefull) Download

Wouldn't it be nice to have bots on a dedicated server, when nobody is playing, and being removed step by step when real players connect? In contrast to the stupid Fakefull players will find at least bots playing for the time waiting for other human players.


  • Bot settings can be set independendly from rcon access.
  • Bots can be added to teams and also removed from them.
  • Compatible to most of the bots (commands can be set by the user)
  • Automatically fills the server up to a specific amount of player and removes them step by step, when human players join.
  • Compatible to most mods (Plugin was developed for Counter-Strike, but should work on every other mod.)

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 09.07.2004

Scheduled tasks (cron light) Download


  • Changing mapcycles on the base of days, weeks or months
  • Setting up CWs and announce these (recommendation: CW Creator)
  • Changing reserved slots by day time
  • Setting password by day time
  • Advertisements, information, etc.
  • to be continued...


  • Able to execute recurring tasks over one year WITHOUT using a real cron system
  • Point of time can be set up by minute, hour, day, month and weekday
  • CVars and commands can be kept over a mapchanges and server crashes or restarts
  • Various points of time for one task by using commata und slashes
  • Interface for editing the schedule.ini (file does not need to be edited by ftp, but can be).
  • lag compensation (max. 5 minutes), e.g. in case that the mapchange lasts very long again ;-) (advantage compared to a real cron system)
  • A lot of check routines and log messages, which can help in case of mistakes
  • Optional setting of the cvar mp_timeleft every minute, to show the remaining time to the outside

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 09.09.2003

HLTV Announcer Download

This Plugin announces a hltv on connect or by executing the command admin_hltv.
You can redirect yourself or others by using admin_hltv_connect <player>. Giving no player will redirect yourself.
Redirection of oneself can be also achieved by typing "hltvconnect" in chat.

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 14.07.2003

Flexible and easy clanwar management v2 Download

Maybe you know the problem. You want to start a clanwar, but you have to kick players from your server, load the war settings, change maps, etc. To ease the administration Sir Drink a lot und I developed the CW Creator.


  • Loads preset war rules.
  • Unneeded plugins will not be loaded during a war.
  • Kicks players not attending the war or redirects them to a connected HLTV.
  • Provides a war mapcycle.
  • Warm-up on each map.
  • Optional online score calculation (Addon)
  • Optional menu for administration (Addon by Sir Drink a lot)

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 11.09.2003

Flexible and easy clanwar management v3 Download

Maybe you know the problem. You want to start a clanwar, but you have to kick players from your server, load the war settings, change maps, etc. To ease the administration Sir Drink a lot und I developed the CW Creator.

Please remember that you need a steam server in order to use this plugin, because it relies on mapchangecfgfile!


  • Loads preset war rules.
  • Unneeded plugins will no longer be loaded during a war.
  • Kicks players not attending the war, redirects them to an alternative server or redirects them optionally to a connected HLTV (plugin_bk_hltvannounce needed).
  • Provides a war mapcycle.
  • Warm-up on each map.
  • Optional vote for war start.
  • Restart count changeable.
  • Team switch by admin mod command.
  • Multilanguage support (for now English and German).

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 25.03.2006

Turning on/off hookmod Download

This Plugin was Created by [-=SsT=-]michaelson and basically what it does is allow a vote for Hookmod to be turned on or off, it will check to see if hook is on and if vote to turn on is successful it will csay that hook is already on if hook is off it will turn it on, you can also use this to turn the hook off, if it is activated so that players will have to use skill rather than a n00b hook to play.

-[ [-=SsT=-] wIzZaRd ]- - Last revised: 11.07.2004

Hookmod bind plugin Download

Maybe you know it, the n00bs keep asking, how do i use the hook/harpoon/blue ray/spiderman thingy/rope etc.
It was making me completely mad, so i decided to learn Ascript a little and this is the result, my first plug-in. It binds the Q key for the n00bs to +hook. It's neotf compatible i think. It also prints a message how to use it.

Main features:

  • Binding the key to a single target
  • Binding the key to everone on the server

-[ Yaki ]- - Last revised: 10.07.2004

Sets sv_alltalk Download

plugin_alltalk adds the ability for lesser admins to enable alltalk without the need for the head admin(s) to give out the rcon password.

-[ sWa | Castr0 ]- - Last revised: 07.07.2004

FoxBot Control Plugin (BotCon) Download

The BotCon plugin interfaces with FoxBots to give admins without rcon access to simple bot control functions. Included are the abilities to set the maximum number of bots allowed on the server, to kick all the bots at once, to change the level of the active bots, to add single bots at a time, and to kick single bots at a time. The original intention of the plugin is to allow a server owner to give his/her admins ability to use simple FoxBots commands without risking breach of security by giving rcon access. <REMINDER> Although it is in the final stages of coding this is still a BETA version and does not give access to ALL of FoxBots basic features. Only the features listed below are currently functional.

[Main Features]

admin_bot_on - Reactivates FoxBots after admin_bot_off has been used.
admin_bot_off - Sets "max_bots" to -1 and kicks all current bots.
admin_bot_level - Sets "botskill" to the entered value between 1 and 5 and kicks all current bots.
admin_bot_max - Sets "max_bots" to the entered value between -1 and 32.
admin_bot_add - Increases the "max_bots" setting by 1 and adds a single bot.
admin_bot_kick - Decreases the "max_bots" setting by 1 and kicks the next bot to die.

-[ -=AS1=-MjrStryker ]- - Last revised: 17.07.2004

Force players to change class with ease. Download

This script allows an admin to more easily force a player to change class by using the admin_<class> <target> command. E.G. admin_demoman SomePlayer would change him to demoman.
The hud_class_autokill setting does not affect this script (workaround).

-[ Chryosis ]- - Last revised: 02.10.2003

Vote for "The One Mode" on "The Specialists" Download

This is a The Specialists only plugin.
This is a plugin to vote for The One Mode.
type "admin_vote_tom" to start the vote.
The results will be applied on the next map that is loaded.

-[ lazyjoe21 ]- - Last revised: 20.06.2004

Disable FoxBots Download

This plugin was made to work with FoxBot

Adds two commands:
admin_vote_nobots: Starts a vote to disable bots until mapchange. (access level: ADMIN_VOTE_MAP - 2)
admin_nobots: Disables the bots until mapchange. (access level: ADMIN_KICK - 128)

This plugin works specifically with FoxBot because it uses the command bot "max_bots 0". If your server is set up to have a minimum # of bots, this plugin might not work right, but don't you want real people on your server?

-[^wB ]- - Last revised: 11.04.03

Locating players on map Download

This plugin provides a means of identifying 'zones' within each map.
Any target player will then be identified as being in that zone by the 'admin_locate <target>' command. Two levels of access can be granted to the users for location purposes. With ACCESS_ZONETEAM, players may query the location of players on their team only. With ACCESS_ZONEALL, they may locate all players. To create and edit the map files, ACCESS_ZONEMAP needs to be granted to the user.

The commands this plugin registers are:
admin_locate [target]: Displays which zone target is in
admin_zonecreate <name>: Creates a new zone record
admin_zoneupdate [name]: Updates a zone record
admin_zonereset [name]: Resets zone to current location
admin_zoneundo: Undoes the last update
admin_zonesort: Sorts map file to remove elevation conflicts

-[ traF relliK ]- - Last revised: 28.01.03

Name Change Plugin Download

The Name Change Plugin can be used to give limited access to the admin_execclient command. It allows any admin at access level 8192 to utilize the command admin_execclient <Target> "name <New Target Name>" allowing the admin to change a target client's name to whatever he/she wishes to alter it to. The intention is that players who attempt to falsify identity or use names with characters or words prohibited on he server can be changed by any admin without requiring the admin have rcon access. <WARNING> This plugin is still a BETA and until the final version is released there may be conflicts with the plugin_retribution distributed with adminmod. Do not attempt to llama a client and then change the llama's name using this plugin. There is the possibility of an endless loop occurring that could theoretically crash the server or cause severe lag.

[Main Features]

admin_name <target> <target's new name> - Changes the name of "target" to "target's new name."

-[ -=AS1=-MjrStryker ]- - Last revised: 17.07.04

Mute those HL-Voice killjoys Download

Tired of listening to some llama playing songs over VoiceComm?
Got a player who won't stop swearing in everyone's ears?

Then I have a plugin for you!

This plugin allows you to disable and reenable voice communications by setting the client's voice_enable 0 or 1.

Please note that once you mute 'em, they'll have to restart to get voice comms back.

-[ PetitMorte ]- - Last revised: 03.02.03

Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.6. Download

PTB detects situations, in which one team rules over the other. It looks at the current team scores, current team win streaks and the current team ratings and decides on actions with the help of these values.

Additionally PTB completely controls team joining actions of players and prevents unbalancing team joins. PTB auto-joins and even kicks obvious winning team joiners.

-[ Ptahhotep ]- - Last revised: 11.05.2002

Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.7 beta. Download

PTB detects situations, in which one team rules over the other. It looks at the current team scores, current team win streaks and the current team ratings and decides on actions with the help of these values.

Additionally PTB completely controls team joining actions of players and prevents unbalancing team joins. PTB auto-joins and even kicks obvious winning team joiners.

-[ Ptahhotep ]- - Last revised: 11.05.2002

Manages voting for Botman's Monster Plugin. Download

AdminMod plugin to manage voting for Botman's Monster plugin.
Voting will occur at the prescribed time. If monsters are on, vote will be to turn them off, and vice versa. Monsters will not disappear immediately, but will instead not be respawned upon their death.

All admin commands require 256 (admin_ban) access.

admin_mstrmgr_timer <seconds> : sets how often a vote occurs (default 600 seconds)
admin_mstrmgr_add <value> : sets percent vote required for add monsters to pass (default 50%)
admin_mstrmgr_rem <value> : sets percent vote required for remove monsters to pass (default 50%)
admin_mstrmgr_spawn <on - off> : turns monster spawn on or off immediately

-[ BuzzKill ]- - Last revised: 17.12.2002

Clan vs All Plugin. Download

This plugin is so that you can setup a CLAN vs ALL setup on your server.
When this plugin is started, it will switch all users with the clan tag to the specified team, it will then switch all non-clan members to the oposite team. It sets mp_autoteambalance to 0, disables the ability to change teams. Also when new players join the server when the plugin is activated they are put on the appropriate team, clan members on the specified team and non-clan members on the opposite team, when joining you do not have a choice of which team you choose.

-[ Mark Mclean ]- - Last revised: 06.12.2002

Temporary vote ban. Download

Allows the players to vote to ban a spammer with a 30 minute cap on it, preventing the spammer from returning; a better method than admin_vote_kick, since the spammer can just return after being kicked.

-[ 0==|==KoS==> Solarian Knight ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2003

Sign messages with your name. Download

This plugin will let admins with 64 Access Level use Typesay, Centersay, Say commands and attach there name to them.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 15.12.2002

Votes for Mod DMZ. Download

This plugin allows you to vote for many dmz-only commands in a server.

Anti-Kill: admin_vote_antikill
Ki Base: admin_vote_kibase <NUMBER>
Ki Per Kill: admin_vote_kikill <NUMBER>
Max Timeout: admin_vote_mtimeout <SECONDS>

-[ [ph34r] Mr. Satan ]- - Last revised: 20.10.2002

Get teams even by balancing bots. Download

This plugin balances bots to get teams even. Bots will be automatically added/kicked to keep teams even.

Functionality :

  • Automatic bot balancing, Bots will keep teams even
  • Limitation for balancing with bots until maxplayers-2. This is to avoid full servers. Example for 5 vs 5 set maxplayers to 12
  • All bots will be removed, when no real player is connected.
  • Displays message when teams are uneven, and bot will be kicked.
  • To work correctly all "addbot" commands in the podbot.cfg must be removed

-[ R. Hoffner ]- - Last revised: 17.09.2002

Plays a sound and gives a message, if an admin connect the server. Download

This plugin issues a message with hl speech or a centersay, if a user with a certain access level (i.e. admins) joins.

For admins there are two extended tsay and csay commands (admin_acm_tsay and admin_acm_csay).
A message with hl speech will be played and a tsay or csay displayed afterwards.

Settings/changes can be carried out by editing the vault.ini.

-[ ||RAGMAN|| ]- - Last revised: 28.11.2003

Nextmap, Currentmap, Time, TimeRemaning, and TimeInto. Download

Meant to replace your plugin_chat.amx.

-Chat messages replaced with tsay
-Made time/timeleft/timeinto announce verbally(optional)
.say time : Displays current server time to all
.say timeinto : Displays time into map to all
.admin_time : Displays current time just to user
.admin_timeinto : Displays time into map just to user
.admin_currentmap : Displays current/next map just to user
-New Features:
.Can announce time every 1/2 hour
.Can announce time remaining at different intervals
-Keeps other features included in plugin_chat
.say timeleft
.say nextmap
.say currentmap
-Also includes optional code to replace admin_nextmap and admin_timeleft

-[ WaTeR*MaRk ]- - Last revised: 28.10.2002

Warn and punishment plugin Download

This is an update to Caveys warn (ID) plugin. Fixes some punishments there were broken, and made the announcements more "understandable". Only works for ID's btw.

admin_warn <target>: Issues warnings sequectially with a punishment to get their attention.

-[ Zero3Cool ]- - Last revised: 19.05.2004

Generate admin commands for any server variable. Download

This plugin allows you to create an AdminMod (admin_) command for any server cvar/command. It should be mod independant, as long as AdminMod supports the mod.
Remember to review the config file (addons/adminmod/config/mycommands.ini), and add some commands.

-[ Zero3Cool ]- - Last revised: 15.07.2004

Kick all players but your clanmates for practice. Download

This plugin allows you to quickly kick all players, that are not in your clan and set a password on the server, to hold a practice. When used, all players will get a warning, telling them they will be kicked in 15 seconds if they are not in your clan, and so will they be :)
Be carefull to spell your tag right, or all your members will be kicked too! Note that anyone wearing your tag wont be kicked, even if they are not in your clan!. Also note, that immune admins wont be kicked neither.

-[ Zero3Cool ]- - Last revised: 01.12.2003

Radiomenu for TFC Download

This is a hack of Caveys menu plugin. It will allow a counter-strike style radio menu. Was used on a tfc server. I forgot the syntax for the menu.ini file, but i guess you could figure it out by looking at the source ;)

-[ Zero3Cool ]- - Last revised: 24.02.2003

Teleport player(s) to you or another player. Download

This plugin allows you to teleport a player, a team, or all players, to you or another player, all of your choice!
The purpose of this plugin, is for use in Sven Co-Op or so-called escape maps for TFC. When a player reaches a spot, you can teleport everyone to him so everyone can work together against the goal, and nobody will be behind the whole time.
Of course you can also install this plugin as a replacement for admin_stack, which only allows admins to teleport everyone on top of them.
On a sad note, its impossible to detect if the target player is standing near walls, other objects, or such. If he does some people might be teleported into the wall/object and be stuck.

-[ Zero3Cool ]- - Last revised: 25.07.2004

AM commands for every server variable Download

This plugin was made to replace all of the plugins to set server cvars. The problem with the previous ones, were that each command was registered seperately, making for an extensive list of commands to remember. You also had to recompile if you wanted to change access levels for each command, and adding new commands was a pain.

With this plugin, you just list which cvars you want to have access to and set their reqired access levels in an external file, and you're off and running.

However, be careful how you configure this. It's a powerful command, and if misconfigured, you could do something like give access to everyone to change sv_cheats or something like that :o)

-[ Cheek ]- - Last revised: 06.07.2002

Set sv_alltalk or vote for it Download

This pugin was originally the democracy2 plugin. I have since modifed the snot out of it and turned it into a vote/admin alltalk plugin.
Alltalk is a built in Cvar sv_alltalk that will allow everyone to hear the voice comm ( you using your Microphone) no matter what team you are on or if you are alive or dead.

Here are the commands

admin_at talk //turns alltalk on
admin_at notalk // turns alltalk off
admin_vote_at on //allows alltalk voting
admin_vote_at off //disables alltalk voting

client commands
say alltalk //displays csay message saying if its on or off
say at on //displays csay message saying if its on or off

-[ [DGK]Haplo ]- - Last revised: 12.08.2002

Realbot Administration Download

This AdminMod plugin allows users with Admin rights to issue bot commands, without having rcon rights.
If you don't wish to give rcon rights to your server admins, but do provide them with AdminMod access, this plugin will allow them to issue those commands through AdminMod.
The plugin was written for RealBot AI, which requires the user to issue commands via rcon, but should be fairly easy to modify for other bots.

-[ AnalyzeThis ]- - Last revised: 07.07.2002

Yaki Quit Plugin Download

This plugin quits clients of players.

Main features:

  • Quit half-life of one target
  • Quit half-life of all players online

-[ Yaki ]- - Last revised: 10.07.2004

Frontline Force specific commands. Download

Contains all of the Frontline Force specific commands for AdminMod.

admin_wavespawn (0-3)
admin_allowkickvote (Toggle)
admin_autoidlekick (Toggle)
admin_autobalance (Toggle)
admin_killerhealth (Toggle)
admin_fadetoblack (Toggle)
admin_flashlight (Toggle)
admin_forcebalance (Toggle)
admin_grenades (Toggle)
admin_teamchange (Toggle)
admin_friendlyfire (Toggle)
admin_footsteps (Toggle)
admin_allowspects (Toggle)
admin_allowicons (Toggle)
admin_spectchat (Toggle)
admin_grenadespam (Toggle)

-[ SR71Goku ]- - Last revised: 23.04.2002

Clan vs public Download

You can easily put your clan in one team and the rest of the players in the other team (and keep it that way).

admin_war <ct|t> <clantag>: Puts a clan in one team, locks the teams and restarts the map.
admin_war_ct <target>: Like admin_ct, but this one should be used instead during a public clan war.
admin_war_t <target>: Like admin_t, but this one should be used instead during a public clan war.
admin_war_stop: Ends a public clan war.

-[ <[NN]>Soul ]- - Last revised: 19.05.2002

Voting for a map Download

The map vote plugin lets users vote for the map they want to play. It includes the ability for an admin to manage maps votes, including denying a map for a particular vote, and quarantining maps so users cannot vote for recently played maps.

-[ SirDodger ]- - Last revised: 31.05.2002

Changing sv_alltalk variable Download

This AdminMod plugin allows for ingame toggling of the sv_alltalk server variable. It simulates LAN experiences, by allowing everyone, DEAD, ALIVE, CT and T to communicate over the Voice-Chat System.

-[ Paegus ]- - Last revised: 01.06.2002

Track chat and admin command usage Download

This plugin records what everyone says on your server, as well as the commands admins use.

admin_record <say/say_team/admin_> <on/off>
using this command you can turn off the individual recording. for example, admin_record say off, would turn off recording of what users say.

admin_record_data <user> <number of results to retrieve>
this command allows admins to retrieve what users have said, whether the user in question is on the server at the time or not.

admin_record_user <user>/admins <on/off>
turns off recording for the user, or if you type admin_record_user admins off, admins with a certain access level (default ban level, this can be changed) dont get recorded.

-[ Footy ]- - Last revised: 08.02.2005

Vote for restart round Download

With this plugin players can vote a roundrestart by typing admin_vote_round. Useful for clanmatches etc.

-[ Valheru ]- - Last revised: 28.06.2002

Alltalk votes and auto-responses. Download

This plugin enables alltalk votes and auto-responses.

-[ -=[KS]=-BoogeyMan ]- - Last revised: 21.06.2002

Restrict playing time for non-members Download

This plugin will allow you to limit to amount of minutes non-members can play on your server per day. This script is extremely useful to not kill a server 100% by just making it members only.

-[ Theneb ]- - Last revised: 25.01.2005

Creates res files Download

Valve included a method of downloading files apart of the map file. This was developed, so wad files or other map specific files could be downloaded from the server to the client at mapchange.
Due to it's purpose res files are completely map specific which means that there is no default res file which is valid for all maps.
A lot of plugins for admin mod or other metamod plugins use custom sounds. These should be downloaded on every map. So you had to edit ALL res files which is a heck of a work, especially if you have a lot of maps. Installation of plugins which use custom files is therefore extremely time-consuming.
The idea was to create a plugin, which creates those res files automatically.

- Creates res files
- Includes map specific files in the res file (needed on a specific map)
- Includes globally used files in the res file (needed on all maps)
- Includes files passed from plugins in the res file (needed on all maps)

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 10.05.2005

Hook Control Plugin Download

The hook control plugin allows an admin to turn off or on the ability for everyone to use the grapling hook (metamod hook plugin needed). Displays message in the center of the screen that says either "The hook has been turned off" or "The hook has been turned on".
A voice over also announces "magnetic systems deactivated" or "magnetic systems activated" after the command is executed. Really quite cool.

admin_hook off - disables the hook
admin_hook on - enables the hook

-[ [BR5DY] ]- - Last revised: 23.11.2005

Anticonc Detection Plugin (for TFC) Download

The anticonc detection plugin detects the execution of the "fullupdate" command more than 2 times in a 5 second period. Upon detecting this, it changes the user's name to ANTICONC SUSPECT and ejects their cd tray. Until they cease executing fullupdate repeatedly, their name will stay as ANTICONC SUSPECT and their cd tray will remain out.

Main features:

  • Detects "fullupdate" anticonc scripts.
  • Publicly identifies suspect players for ease of tracking.
  • Allows offenders the opportunity to turn off their anticonc.
  • Allows recording of demos without falsely detecting anticonc.

-[ -=AS1=-MjrStryker ]- - Last revised: 16.11.2005

Planned Server Shutdown Download

This script script is commonly used for those servers who don't want to run 24/7 :D

Allows an admin to specify a time for the server to shutdown with a 30 second notice to players.
Will also start a sequence if an admin wants to shutdown right then.

The shutdown time will be kept unless an admin deletes it. So if you set it to shutdown at
2:00 AM, it will shutdown at 2:00 AM everyday until you delete the shutdown time.

The time is not perfectly exact, but it will shutdown within the minute.
Once the shutdown time hits, everyone is given a 30 second warning,
and right before it disconnects you will hear "goodbye".


admin_st_status - displays current shutdown time
admin_st_set - sets the shutdown time
admin_st_delete - deletes the shutdown time
admin_st_now - activates a shutdown sequence right then
admin_st_abort - aborts a shutdown process ONLY if the countdown has already started

Good luck, have fun, and enjoy!

-[ [BR5DY] ]- - Last revised: 2.9.2006



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