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AdminMod Plugins

If you run Linux, you may need to convert the plugin sources to linux format. All of the plugin files are now distributed as Zip files. Linux guys, unzip the files with -a on the command line which will cause the CRLF chars to be converted to linux LF format.

Fun Commands

1. This plugin contains speech functions and commands.
2. A plugin for enabling limited teleporting abilities.
3. Team Based Glowing for Counter-Strike and TFC
4. Play custom wav files when a user says a keyword.
5. This plugin contains various teleporting commands.
6. Server auto-response script.
7. Matrix jumps in HL? Sure.
8. IRC type action plugin.
9. Cofee? For the dead?
10. Greatly enhanced llama
11. More glow colours and some help to boot.
12. Add a touch of class... or ass to your llama's
13. Private conversations like chat rooms
14. A bunch of commands for you Admins.
15. The MAT finally available in a plugin!
16. I see dead people...actually I hear them.
17. Bring out your dead! *er* No dead player span for sounds.
18. Admin Definable Triggers for chat messages.
19. Roll The Dice. A bit buggy but a neat idea.
20. Like a bot but not. Get it?
21. Send naughty players to prison.
22. Player punishment plugin.
23. Are you a gambling man?
24. An evil plugin to kill them all.
25. Cheat codes for your server.
26. Putting people in prison.
27. Force client to quit HL.
28. An updated Quit.
29. The BIG BEN of plugins.
30. Clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip.
31. A modification on sank_dice with new prizes
32. Kamikazi!
33. Makes speech commands easier.
34. Teleport Plugin
35. This script allows for Diablo2 style emoting and whispering.
36. Let the best man... glow!
37. Monster Plugin
38. Radio4 Plugin
39. Sounds on connect and disconnect
40. Karaoke Plugin
41. Add some extra colours to glow
42. CS-Guard style of centersay
43. A better kick command
44. Psycho Server Stats
45. Psychostats 2.x beta Plugin
46. Announce players with csay and sound
47. Axe Kill Announcer.
48. Bomb Announcer.
49. Bomb countdown timer.
50. Fun Kill Announcer.
51. Grenade Enhancer.
52. Headshot Kill Announcer.
53. Showing HP of your attacker.
54. UT2K like style for Counter-Strike kills.
55. Killing Streak Announcer.
56. Knife Arena.
57. Knife Kill Announcer.
58. Announces Last Scout.
59. Best Player and Teamscore Announcement.
60. Bomb Timer Randomizer.
61. Score publisher.
62. VIP Announcer.
63. Manages voting for Botman's Monster Plugin.
64. Need a cup holder?
65. Slap the whole team.
66. Gambling in TFC.
67. Self-Chickenization.
68. Gather people around you with teleport.
69. Plays a sound and gives a message, if an admin connect the server.
70. Knife Arena by Asylum (KAA).
71. Allows you to say 'noclipme' and get temporary noclip abilities.
72. Beam me up, Scotty.
73. B1tchslap a target player.
74. B1tchslap and kill a target player.
75. Tells current time of day.
76. Shows a middle finger along with your message.
77. Time Remaining Plugin with Ads.
78. One knife only round
79. Enhanced killstreak
80. Control the monster plugin.
81. Speak & Spell for HL!
82. Frag count Plugin

This plugin contains speech functions and commands. Download

This plugin contains speech functions for all mods. Not only does it add a set of speech commands, it also adds the ability to speak the timeleft on the map when a users enters "timeleft" as a message.

New Commands:
Speak words on system of target.

Speak words on system of everyone.

Speak words on systems of everyone on team.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 05.07.2001

A plugin for enabling limited teleporting abilities. Download

Telefun mode, which can be turned on by administrators, allows everyone access to limited teleport commands. Administrators with level 8192 access can always access these commands, as well as admin_telesend1 & admin_telesend2

New Commands:
admin_teleset1 & admin_teleset2
Set teleport points to return to.

admin_telego1 & admin_telego2
Which allow them to teleport back to these points.

admin_telesend1 & admin_telesend2
Enables administrators to send people to the points they set.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 04.04.2001

Team Based Glowing for Counter-Strike and TFC Download

This plugin will allow you to control the glowing of teams in CS and now TFC.

New Commands:
admin_glowall[ <color> | random | off ]
Make people glow team colors, or add a specific <color> name or RGB code, random, or off.

admin_glowteam <team#> [ <color> | random | off ]
Make team glow team colors, or add a specific <color> name or RGB code, random, or off.

admin_glowciv [ <color> | random | off ]
admin_glowvip [ <color> | random | off ]
Make VIP/Civilian glow team colors, or add a specific <color> name or RGB code, random, or off.

-[ Wraith, ]- - Last revised: 23.07.2001

Play custom wav files when a user says a keyword. Download

The sank_sounds plugin allows the server to play custom wav files when a user says a keyword. The first wav I put on my server was Homer Simpson's "DOH!" So whenever someone said, "doh" I wanted the wav to play to everybody. It has since grown into a whole collection of Simpson sounds with spam/flooding protection, but of course they can be replaced with any word/sound combination you can come up with.

In this update the plugin will read from a text file keyword/wav file combinations and when a player says one of the keywords, it will trigger HL to play that wav file to all players. Many commands have been added to the plugin so check out the included readme for full details.

-[ sank ]- - Last revised: 15.11.2002

This plugin contains various teleporting commands. Download

Various commands for teleporting players to you, teleporting to other players, or teleporting one player to another.

admin_to target
Teleports target to your cooridnates.

admin_to_x target 0|1
Brings target next to you, shifted on the X axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to
your coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_to_y target 0|1
Brings target next to you, shifted on the Y axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to your coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_to_z target 0|1
Brings target below (0) or on top of (1) you. The 0 and 1 are optional. 1 is the default.

admin_go target
Sends you to target's cooridnates.

admin_go_x target 0|1
Sends you to target, shifted on the X axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to target's coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_go_y target 0|1
Sends you to target, shifted on the Y axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to target's coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_go_z target 0|1
Sends you below (0) or on top of (1) target. The 0 and 1 are optional. 1 is the default.

admin_send target1 target2
Teleports target1 to target2's cooridnates.

admin_send_x target1 target2 0|1
Sends target1 next to target2, shifted on the X axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to target2's coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_send_y target1 target2 0|1
Sends target1 next to target2, shifted on the Y axis. The 0 or 1 are optional, but will determine whether it subtracts (0) or adds (1) 96 to target2's coordinates. 1 is the default.

admin_send_z target1 target2 0|1
Sends target1 below (0) or on top of (1 - default) target2. The 0 and 1 are optional. 1 is the default.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 09.04.2001

Server auto-response script. Download

Aieee! Right on the heels of one update comes another. This plugin allows the server to intercept chat from players and print a response, such as "friendly fire", "admin", and other phrases. It is fully customizable to fit your preferences, just open the script. I've added slaps in addition to a server response to certain phrases. You will need to compile it before using it, of course.


Thanks to...
Sank for lots of help (and code)
Kendokan for the idea.

-[ Wipeout ]- - Last revised: 01.08.2001

Matrix jumps in HL? Sure. Download

This plugin allow people to vote on whether or not to have Matrix style jumping, by using either admin_vote_matrix or saying vote_matrix. Fun mode must be enabled. Also, an admin with ACCESS_FUN can type admin_matrix 1 or 0 to turn it on or off respectively.
Made by the

-[ Shady Milkman ]- - Last revised: 12.04.2001

IRC type action plugin. Download

This plugin allows players to type me or /me in their chat and the server will print it as an action just as in IRC. For example, "/me looks around" becomes "greider looks around." It only displays to players who have the same live/dead status as the person saying it.

-[ Josh Waggoner ]- - Last revised: 15.04.2001

Cofee? For the dead? Download

This plugin contains a command for passing around some coffee to the dead.

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 16.04.2001

Greatly enhanced llama Download

This is based on admin_llama. But, instead of a llama, you can make whatever character you want.

Format is like this:
admin_char (target) (character) (say1) [(say2)] [(say3)]

Target is obviously the target (name, sessionid, etc), character is what you're changing their name to, and the different say phrases are what you'll change their speech in to. Only one phrase is necessary, but you can have up to three.

IMPORTANT - if your phrases contain more than one word, they must be enclosed in single quotes! - '

-[ yensid ]- - Last revised: 16.04.2001

More glow colours and some help to boot. Download

This plugin is intended to replace plugin_fun. It adds more glow colours and adds some help so that you can see the colours that are available.

-[ Scott Atkins ]- - Last revised: 04.06.2001

Add a touch of class... or ass to your llama's Download

This will give your llama's a voice.. funny as hell to hear your llama's ooorgle in battle.

Throw the wav files into your sounds\misc dir add the plugin to your ini file and toss the amx into your dlls folder and your off!

-[ -=CPU=- R3AP3R ]- - Last revised: 25.05.2001

Private conversations like chat rooms Download

This plugin allows you to enter a private conversation with a target, and that target does not need to have any special access level. It also allows you to create up to 99999 private chat rooms, which you can have as many targets invited to as you wish.

New Commands
admin_private <target>
Enter private conversation with target.

admin_unprivate <target>
Leave private conversation with target.

admin_privateroom <room#> [<target>]
Put <target> in private chat room <room#>.
No <target> does self.

admin_unprivateroom [<target>]
Takes <target> out of private chat room.
No <target> does self.

-[ Scoutn ]- - Last revised: 23.07.2001

A bunch of commands for you Admins. Download

What can I say. This contains a mix of commands.

New Commands:
admin_vsay2 <question> <response1> <response2> <response6>
Similar to admin_vsay, but rather than asking a Yes/No question, you can have up to six responses.
Ex. admin_vsay2 'What food does the admin like the most?' Cheese Bacon Spam

Single quotes must be used.

admin_mslap <target> <# slaps>
Slaps <target> multiple times. Only the last slap sends <target> somewhere (plus you get a console full of non-precached sound errors)

admin_glow2 <target> <R> <G> <B>
Makes <target> glow a specific RGB color. Can be used on a specific person.

admin_noimmune <command and params>
Ignores immunity for this one command.

admin_freeze <target>
admin_unfreeze <target>

Freezes/Unfreezes <target>. Like admin_bury/admin_unbury, but is mod-independent.

-[ Steve ]- - Last revised: 04.07.2001

The MAT finally available in a plugin! Download

Well, if you don't know about the MAT, you haven't been around the Admin MOD forums very long. The MAT is a thread started by Bud-froggy that has turned into a place where most of us say things for no apparent reason, ridiculous things happen, and we have decided to try to make the thread one of the longest in Inet history (or at least in AM's, laf) . It is where we go to ramble and flame, tell jokes, discuss not so serious issues, and basically have fun. This plugin is the result of the thread. It sums what the thread has become: out of control. The plugin make all clients say thing that really make no sense, at least to those not familiar with the thread. I will try to update the plugin as new catch phrases come along, as a reminder of the true essence of the thread.

_New Command_
Makes everyone say useless but fun comments. :-)

-[ Scoutn ]- - Last revised: 04.07.2001

I see dead people...actually I hear them. Download

This is very simplistic, it allows all dead people to see what alive people say (no teamsays), and alive people to see what dead people say, this is upgraded over my old version and doesn't turn ALL text yellow, only the text that a person wouldnt normally see due to their alive/dead status.

-[ [WHO]Them ]- - Last revised: 01.08.2001

Bring out your dead! *er* No dead player span for sounds. Download

This plugin will read from a text file keyword/wav file combinations and when a player says one of the keywords, it will trigger HL to play that wav file to all players. It allows reloading of the file without restarting the current level, as well as adding keyword/wav combinations from the console during gameplay. If it finds it can't read the file, it will automagically set file_access_read to 1 and then set it back to 0 when it's done.

note:The original author is Sank, Terran did some minor mods to stop dead from haunting the living.

-[ [FAW]Terran ]- - Last revised: 05.09.2001

Admin Definable Triggers for chat messages. Download

This plugin lets you define triggers for certain messages that people on your server can use. The triggers are defined in a text file along with the messages they correspond to.

An example of a trigger would be -cq for come quick, so the player would type -cq in chat and "come quick" would be displayed as the message from the player.

I suggest reading the Readme.

-[ Gnugy ]- - Last revised: 25.10.2001

Roll The Dice. A bit buggy but a neat idea. Download

You say "roll the dice" and you get a total of two 6 sided dice (admin_games must be on or 1). Here is a description of the prizes obtained for wich totals.

Godmode = 2 & 12
Noclip = 3 & 4
Death = 7
Slap = 5 & 6
Glow = 8 & 9
Stuck = 10 & 11.

This is a fun script, however it's sort of buggy, sometimes granting other players your prizes. I believe this to be in need of some sort of UserIndex code. Though I don't have the knowledge required to develope it.

Modifications wanted, send revisions of plugin_dice.sma to

-[ [SCR]Lightfoot-TA- ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

Like a bot but not. Get it? Download

This gives your server the appearance of having an intelligent bot... or not :)

This plugin is used like the rest of the say commands.
admin_bsay <message>
When you use admin_bsay hello world your users will see
Server Bot: hello world

Edit the sma file to name your bot what you wish.

-[ r3ap3r ]- - Last revised: 19.11.2001

Send naughty players to prison. Download

Plugin that allow the players to have a vote that punishes a player in a new way. They can vote to put an annoying player in prison which is a different place in each map that disables or puts a player in a spot he doesnt want to be. Activate by typing admin_vote_prison <player> into console.

-[ Bryan Clay ]- - Last revised: 18.12.2001

Player punishment plugin. Download

This plugin will teleport the subject to a location where they will be subject to fall damage. It is written as a punishment for TKing, but can be adapted for any purpose by changing the tsay message.

See code comments for usage, and customization.

(This plugin is no longer supported by it's author.)

-[ Eric Foard ]- - Last revised: 05.01.2002

Are you a gambling man? Download

I like gambling. Mostly I play penny poker, but it's still fun. A player may choose to gamble by saying either roll the dice or I feel lucky. The total of the two dice range from 2 - 12, and the rewards are as follows:

2 or 12 Godmode for 10 seconds
3 or 11 Noclip for 20 seconds
4 or 10 Stuck for 10 seconds
5 or 9 Glow for 15 seconds
6 or 8 Slap
7 Death

Once you have gambled, you cannot gamble again for at least a minute. My most deepest thanks goes to [SCR]Lightfoot-TA- ( for he was the one who came up with the idea and wrote the original, however buggy it may have been.

-[ sank ]- - Last revised: 15.11.2002

An evil plugin to kill them all. Download

This plugin will allow server admins to slay everyone on the server at one time its basicly just to be evil and piss off everyone because they can do anything back at you, but enjoy.

Slays everyone on the server that doesnt have immunity access.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 13.01.2002

Cheat codes for your server. Download

I made a plugin for admin mod that is basically a joke on my server. We all used to play old NES games and remember the codes still. With my plugin, you type those codes in and then get some good effects.

Here are the codes:
Godmode "upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart"
Noclip "updownupdownleftrightleftrightabstart"

Try it, it's fun :)

-[ Chris ]- - Last revised: 03.02.2002

Putting people in prison. Download

This plugin was originally written by Bryan Clay.

It has been rewritten by [TCSUK]Meddler (Paulo Rodrigues) to allow multiple coordinates per map and a few other bits and pieces. Best of all you dont need to recompile to add new map coordinates. Use it as a more sophisticated version of admin_bury.

admin_vote_prison <target>
Essentially the same as the original and initiates a vote to put a player in prison.

admin_prison <target>
Puts a player in prison.

Puts all the players in prison

admin_prison_write <description>
Saves the current coordinates to a file along with a descripion

-[ [TCSUK]Meddler ]- - Last revised: 13.01.2002

Force client to quit HL. Download

This plugin closes the HL of target player with the following command:
admin_quit <targetname>

-[ Mustafa ]- - Last revised: 18.02.2002

An updated Quit. Download

I made an newer version of plugin admin_quit. The Access level is now 128 (admin_kick) and Admins (with protection flag) are now protected from this command.

-[ Mustafa ]- - Last revised: 24.02.2002

The BIG BEN of plugins. Download

Every hour and half hour the date and time is printed to the screen and a female voice announces the time. Also, the default sma includes a male voice announcing it's 4:20 am/pm.

Now includes a silent version too.

-[ Jack9 ]- - Last revised: 15.04.2002

Clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip, clip, no-clip. Download

This is a plugin that allows clients to say 'up' and turns noclip mode on for them. It adds vote_noclip, admin_vote_noclip, admin_noclip, and, of course, say up/down.

-[ Thor/Ninety ]- - Last revised: 18.03.2002

A modification on sank_dice with new prizes Download

Added "ZeusMode" (godmode and noclip combined)
Winners of ZeusMode, GodMode, and Noclip will now glow too
Replaced Slay with human time-bomb -- need
In this version, timebomb can kill bystanders
Replaced Slap with slap disease -- possibly fatal
Enhanced Glow by having it potentially affect health
To Stuck I added a slap at the beginning -- looks funnier
Dead players cant gamble.

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Kamikazi! Download

Player can become a timebomb by saying "kamikazi" in chat. Admin can disable the kamikaze function with admin_timebombs 0 and turn it back on again with admin_timebombs 1. Admin can make any live player without immunity into a timebomb with admin_timebomb .

say: kamikaze
admin_timebombs 0|1
admin_timebomb <target>
admin_vote_timebomb <target>

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Makes speech commands easier. Download

This plugin makes using half-life speech much easier and more fun. Speech commands can now be done through the chat without using the console. The commands themselves have been shortened. For example, in the chat, simply preceed your speech words with yy. Also shortcuts have been added to make it easier to use the speech vocabulary from directories other than the default (/vox).

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

Teleport Plugin Download

The goal of this plugin is to facilitate teleporting. It is specially useful in cooperative maps, concjumps and pipejumps maps where it can be very frustrating for players to die after long and
hard work...

-[ Bahrmanou ]- - Last revised: 18.08.2005

This script allows for Diablo2 style emoting and whispering. Download

They are done thru messagemode1 (say).
/me will broadcast
BAILOPAN: /me laughs at Player (doesn't show up)
BAILOPAN laughs at Player (in admin_ssay form)
/w will send a private message
(whisper) to player.
BAILOPAN: /w Joe Hello! (doesn't show up)
Joe receives: Whisper from BAILOPAN: Hello!
These abilities can be turned on and off with
admin_emote 1/0 and
admin_whisper 1/0 Enjoy.

-[ BAILOPAN ]- - Last revised: 19.04.2002

Let the best man... glow! Download

This plugin identifies the best player on each team by having them glow in the team colour. This gives the player the kudos of being seen to be the best, but also makes them a target for the opposition.

For counter-strike servers there are two additional modes available - one where the glowing players only change at the end of each round, and one where players only glow briefly at the start of each round.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Monster Plugin Download

The monster plugin is a front end to the Monster Metamod plugin. The Metamod plugin was originally developed by [url=]Botman but I have made several enhancements. An enhanced metamod DLL file for windows and SO file for linux are included with the plugin.

The monster DLL allows you to add 14 monsters from half-life into any other game. The monsters will use an AI similar to that used for bots and will attack any player in its vicinity until killed. You can adjust the health and damage produced by the attack of each monster from the monster plugin's configuration files.

The Admin Mod plugin allows you to spawn monsters in the vicinity of any player from the client console or from a "point and snark" interface. You can either supply a player name, or bind the command to a key and use your cross hair, either while playing or in free look mode to target a player.

Why slap when you can snark!

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Radio4 Plugin Download

The radio plugin adds a 4th menu of radio messages for counter-strike players. It works as follows:

  • When connecting to the server it prompts the user to say 'extra radio' if they want to use the extra commands.
  • When a player says extra radio, a menu appears giving the player several choices of which key they would like to bind the new menu.
  • When the player presses the bound key, a menu of radio message appears in the same way as the other 3 menus of radio messages.

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Sounds on connect and disconnect Download

The sound plugin allows you to make audible announcements when players join or leave the server. Announcements are made using half-life's built in speech engine - it does not use sample files downloaded from the server, hence there is no delay in users joining, or any additional lag for those playing, and you do not have to create .res files for each map.

Three announcements are available:

  • A message to a player when they join the server
  • A message to all other players when a player joins a server
  • A message to all other players when a player leaves a server

The selection of which message to play in response to a particular player joining or leaving the server is based on a set of rules defined in the plugin's configuration file and can be governed by any of the following:

  • The player's name
  • The player's WON ID or Steam ID
  • The Admin Mod access level of the player
  • The player's clan tag
  • The player's IP address

You can also specify default messages to use for all other players

-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]- - Last revised: 16.06.2004

Karaoke Plugin Download

This plugin displays lyrics from a text file and plays the associated wav sound, if present on the client. You can synchronise lyrics and the music in the text file, and display sentences in differents colors. Nice to warm up lan parties :)

Included commands are :


-[ YoGi ]- - Last revised: 09.12.2002

Add some extra colours to glow Download

An edited and updated version of plugin_fun.sma which adds some extra colours to the glow function. It also allows an admin to force someone to glow when fun mode is off using "admin_glow [user] ". It also provides the capability to disable the filtering of the "say glow colour" command even when fun mode is on which means people who want to glow have to use "admin_glow colour" and stops open abuse of "say glow"

Features are as follows:

  • Standard plugin_fun.sma functions.
  • AdminMod 2.50.26 compatible
  • Allows the removal of "say glow" from a command "admin_fun_say".
  • It stores whether "say glow" is allowed in the vault.ini. It can be disabled over a map change or enabled immediatly.
  • Extends "admin_glow" to take an extra argument from admins which allows admins to force someone to glow. Normal users will not see this.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

CS-Guard style of centersay Download

Someone asked for the CS-Guard style of centersay. Someone also asked for a private form of csay and tsay. Also, someone asked for a version for Sharpsnipers "plugin_base" that added the extra colours while not replacing the other commands. While creating the CSG-Say feature I found that I could improve on Bud-Froggys original rsay plugin (where I got some of the colours from) while also adding the new "flicker-say" that will do csg-say between different colours. Ergo, admin_fsay blue will do a CSGuard style say but in blue instead of orange.

WARNING - THere is a bug in the ADMINMOD .dll that causes the server to seg-fault and quit if you use this plugin from the console. I have therefore blocked this action. This is not a problem with this plugin and the AM authors have been notified. This also does not effect the use of this command by a player in the game.

Features are as follows:

  • Adds "admin_rsay [colour] [colour] {message}" (Rainbow-say) as a centersay that fades from one colour to the next.
  • Adds "admin_fsay [colour] [colour] {message}" (Flicker-say) as a centersay that flickers between two colours.
  • The [colours] are both optional with the default as white for the first colour fading out to nothing as the second colour.
  • Adds "admin_csgsay {message}" (CS Guard-say) as a centersay similar to CS Guard's centersay which automatically adds the colours orange and none to gie the required effect.
  • Adds extra colours to admin_csay and admin_tsay.

-[ Cavey ]- - Last revised: 24.06.2004

A better kick command Download

This plugin will play a wav file and then kick the player.

admin_kick2 <target>
Says Goodbye and kicks target

-[ Rufius ]- - Last revised: 17.12.2001

Psycho Server Stats Download

This plugin displays psychostats 1.9.x stats online on the server.

Commands in chat are:
/stats: returns your current rank and stats
/stats find [string]: returns list of players matching [string]
/stats [rank]: returns the stats on the player with [rank] as their current rank

Important! You need to run an additional perl script to create the database.

-[ Sharpsniper ]- - Last revised: 27.06.2004

Psychostats 2.x beta Plugin Download

Opens the Psychostats 2.x beta in the MOTD window via chat or console.


  • Free configuration of signal words, so it won't interfere with other plugins like statsme, etc.
  • Differs between global and personal stats depending on the signal word
  • Can also show stats of other people, when part of the name is given after the signal word as an option
  • Easy configuration
  • Can be easily made compatible with PS 2.0 and 2.1 beta
  • Stats can also be issued via console command

-[ [WING] Black Knight ]- - Last revised: 03.09.2004

Announce players with csay and sound Download

This plugin can be used to announce certain players with a sound and some centersay-text users are recognized by their id. Therefore, it is useless on a LAN-only server. I used the all famous sank-sounds-plugin as a template for the general layout of a adminmod-plugin and the principles of configfile-parsing ;)

-[ Bibabuzemann ]- - Last revised: 21.01.03

Axe Kill Announcer. Download

Announces Axe fragging in Deathmatch Classic (DMC). Announcement is done by random csay or tsay messages with random colors.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 26.07.2001

Bomb Announcer. Download

Announces, that the bomb was planted and who did it, in Counter-Strike. Announcement is done by csay message.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 22.07.2001

Bomb countdown timer. Download

Issues a countdown, when the bomb has been planted in Counter-Strike. Announcement is completely done via HL-Speech.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ [WHO]Them ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

Fun Kill Announcer. Download

Announces knife and nade fragging along with suicides by random csays or tsays and random colors in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ [Jedi]-Baron ]- - Last revised: 18.10.2001

Grenade Enhancer. Download

Adds extra damage to grenades via slap function.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ gncuster & Tactical_Jack ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

Headshot Kill Announcer. Download

Announces headshot fragging in Team Fortress Classic (TFC). Throws a random center/typesay when someone gets headshot.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ mikey ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

Showing HP of your attacker. Download

- shows attacker's healthpoints, armor and which weapon he used to his victim.
- displays the damage, victim has made to his attacker
- other statistics like most disruptive player in round / map, most headshots, used weapons etc.
- statistic of player vs. player
- reacts on chat messages "hp", "myhits", "hits" and "weapon".
- you can change the language between english and german.(default:german)
- it calculates the distance between attacker and victim in meters.

Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Sir Drink a lot ]- - Last revised: 05.07.2004

UT2K like style for Counter-Strike kills. Download

A lot of events of the game Counter-Strike (since v1.5) are detected by this plugin and can be announced with a message and sound.
The messages and sounds are stored in vault.ini and can be edited.
If you use the "plugin_sdal_allowsounds", every client would have the abillity to enable/disable the sounds, if he wants/does not want to hear them.
If you use the "non-colored" version of this plugin, the messages would be also enabled/disabled for him.

For disabling the sounds/messages, the players have to enter ".stop" in chat.
For enabling them again, they have to write ".play" in chat.

"headshot", "killsintime", "killstreak",
"firstblood", "takenlead", "teamattack",
"knifekill", "grenadekill", "roundcounter",
"bombspawned", "bombget", "bombdrop",
"bombplant", "startdefuse", "bombdefused",
"bombdetonate", "bombtimer", "touchhostage",
"reschostage", "killedhostage", "suicide",
"lastscout", "becamevip", "killedvip",
"escapevip", "scoreboard"

Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Sir Drink a lot ]- - Last revised: 11.02.2004

Killing Streak Announcer. Download

Announces kill streaks with csay message and sound.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 26.07.2001

Knife Arena. Download

For playing knife only in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 05.04.2001

Knife Kill Announcer. Download

Throws a random center/typesay when someone gets knifed in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Bud-froggy ]- - Last revised: 26.07.2001

Announces Last Scout. Download

This plugin wishs 'Good Luck' to the last man of a team and plays him a sound (force.wav). The wav file has to be in the ...\csrike\sound\misc\ folder of your clients computer. So it has to be downloaded to the clients through the RES FILES.
The plugin acts on KILLS, TEAMKILLS, SUICIDE and DISCONNECTION and was tested with POD BOT 2.5.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Biohazard ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

Best Player and Teamscore Announcement. Download

Shows the Best Player and the Teamscore in the end of a round. It displays also other best players with the same score in the chat-area. If you are dead, you can say score and it will display the best player at the moment.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ Sir Drink a lot ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

Bomb Timer Randomizer. Download

This plugin will set the c4 timer (Counter-Strike only) to a random number from 15 to 90 seconds. When a terrorist plants the bomb, he announces to his team how much time is left (in seconds) before the bomb explodes. Admins will be able to enable/disable this plugin with the command "admin_randomtimer".
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ HunteR ]- - Last revised: 30.10.2002

Score publisher. Download

This is designed to be a clone of spudbot, which publishes Counter-Strike scores to the server..
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ [WHO]Them ]- - Last revised: 01.01.2002

VIP Announcer. Download

Announces who killed the VIP or who was the VIP and escaped in Counter-Strike. Announcement is done by csay message.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.

-[ [M|W]LowPingBitch ]- - Last revised: 22.02.2002

Manages voting for Botman's Monster Plugin. Download

AdminMod plugin to manage voting for Botman's Monster plugin.
Voting will occur at the prescribed time. If monsters are on, vote will be to turn them off, and vice versa. Monsters will not disappear immediately, but will instead not be respawned upon their death.

All admin commands require 256 (admin_ban) access.

admin_mstrmgr_timer <seconds> : sets how often a vote occurs (default 600 seconds)
admin_mstrmgr_add <value> : sets percent vote required for add monsters to pass (default 50%)
admin_mstrmgr_rem <value> : sets percent vote required for remove monsters to pass (default 50%)
admin_mstrmgr_spawn <on - off> : turns monster spawn on or off immediately

-[ BuzzKill ]- - Last revised: 17.12.2002

Need a cup holder? Download

Basically, you just type admin_cup <name> and replace <name> with the name, or partial name of the client. Then it will give them a free cup holder!
I would tell you what it REALLY is, but that takes all the fun out of it.

-[ KiD276 ]- - Last revised: 05.12.2002

Slap the whole team. Download

This plugin simply adds one command that can be used to slap an entire team once or multiple times, using the following format:

admin_slapteam <team> [# slaps]

where <team> is the number of the team to be slapped and [# slaps] is the number of times they should be slapped. The number of slaps is optional, and the default is 1 (one).

-[ HunteR ]- - Last revised: 29.07.2002

Gambling in TFC. Download

This is an improvement on the normal dice. It has all the normal functions with an added vision fix. So when you "roll" certain numbers your vision messes up and it makes it hard to do almost anything. It has 2 different types of "drinking". The "beer" only works on TFC and all the "sayings" have been changed to TFC sayings.

-[ Patrick Call ]- - Last revised: 17.10.2002

Self-Chickenization. Download

This is a little script to help you frustrated admins out there who have chicken mod on the server from hearing every 2 seconds... CHICKEN ME! UNCHICKEN ME!... well... Here it is, the savior of all the problems... no more of the people demanding chicken one second and u dying the next chickening them.

type: !chickenize
to be chickened..
type: !unchickenize
to become human..

-[ Fastmover ]- - Last revised: 24.10.2002

Gather people around you with teleport. Download

This plugin teleports people into your general vicinity. I origionally had it in mind for clan practices (organizing people), but you could also make it a public command and let people have fun with it.

-[ Thor ]- - Last revised: 30.11.2002

Plays a sound and gives a message, if an admin connect the server. Download

This plugin issues a message with hl speech or a centersay, if a user with a certain access level (i.e. admins) joins.

For admins there are two extended tsay and csay commands (admin_acm_tsay and admin_acm_csay).
A message with hl speech will be played and a tsay or csay displayed afterwards.

Settings/changes can be carried out by editing the vault.ini.

-[ ||RAGMAN|| ]- - Last revised: 28.11.2003

Knife Arena by Asylum (KAA). Download

Gives the functionality to your server to force knife only gameplay.
This gameplay can either be enabled or disabled by an admin, or voted for via admin_vote_ka.

- Any user can vote to enable or disable KA.
- LogD is not required as opposed to the only other KA plugin on (EDIT Black Knight: This plugin might be more CPU consuming than the logd one.)

-[ Asylum]oL[ ]- - Last revised: 23.10.2004

Allows you to say 'noclipme' and get temporary noclip abilities. Download

The commands for this plugin are as follows:
admin_noclipme <"on" | "off"> or <"1" | "0">: Turns noclip abilities on or off. Off by default.
say noclipme: Will give you temporary noclip abilities.
say freeme: Will return you to where you asked for noclip if you get stuck after using noclipme.

This plugin works by running the noclip on command on anyone who says 'noclipme', then running the noclip off command on them 30 seconds later. Players must wait 3 minutes after the noclip is turned off before it will turn on again.
For 20 seconds after the noclip is over, you can say 'freeme' to return to wherever you were when you started the noclip. This should help prevent people from being stuck in walls.

This plugin is a god send to admins who run a lot of concjump maps.

-[ yensid/Lazyone[SA] ]- - Last revised: 01.08.2002

Beam me up, Scotty. Download

Ever watch the orignal Star-Trek TV show? This is a fun plugin which gives limited teleporting powers (you can decide how limited) to players using the theme of the Star-Trek matter transporter. There are sounds from the show too, including our favorite first engineer, the keeper of the transporter, Scotty. This plugin should work with all Half-Life multiplayer team based mods with upto 4 teams (see admin_scotty_setbeam to set it up for mods other than Counter-Strike).

-[ Ludwig van ]- - Last revised: 26.10.2002

B1tchslap a target player. Download

This Plugin gives admins the ability to b1tchslap a target player, which basically means they get slapped once every second for SLAP1_TIME seconds

-[ Angrysand ]- - Last revised: 08.05.2002

B1tchslap and kill a target player. Download

This Plugin gives admins the ability to longkill a target player, which basically means they get slapped twice every second for 10 seconds, after which they get slay'd.

-[ Angrysand ]- - Last revised: 08.05.2002

Tells current time of day. Download

This plugin lets people do a "say time" to get the server's current time of day.

-[ Angrysand ]- - Last revised: 09.05.2002

Shows a middle finger along with your message. Download

admin_fsay [color] <msg>: like admin_csay, but preceeded by a nice ASCII-art middle finger ;)

-[ <[NN]>Soul ]- - Last revised: 19.05.2002

Time Remaining Plugin with Ads. Download

I wrote this one based on the source code from plugin_produkt_timerem3.sma.

This one also displays advertisements in deep purple on centersay and also on regular admin say but there it prepends the text "Server advertisement:". This occurs every thirty seconds.

-[ Gerald ]- - Last revised: 23.03.2002

One knife only round Download

This plugin plays with spawned items to initiate a knives only round
You must set "allow_client_exec 1"
mp_startmoney is set to game default of 800.
When a player teleports they automatically get a vest. They wont be able to afford a gun when they get teleported back. Works if player spawns within the buy zone.

-[ FatAsianMan ]- - Last revised: 06.06.2002

Enhanced killstreak Download

Announces killstreaks: multi kill, ultra kill, killing spree, monster kill and godlike.

more wav files
there is no maximum killstreak (keeps repeating "godlike")
clearer messages with for example "(15 kills)" added.

-[ <[NN]>Soul ]- - Last revised: 19.05.2002

Control the monster plugin. Download

This plugin allows users to control the monster plugin by Botman.

First install Botmans Monster plugin

-[ PrivateRyan ]- - Last revised: 21.06.2002

Speak & Spell for HL! Download

Anybody who's played TFC is familiar with The Announcer. He's the guy who says stuff like "your team has the enemy flag." He's also heard in other places: other mods use him, commands like "timeleft" on some servers will "speak" the amount of time left on the current map.
This plugin is an attempt to make it easier to have custom words in the game. Not for map/mod designers but for admins who are bored and want "prolonged, sometimes senseless talk; chatter."

-[ Dave ]- - Last revised: 28.06.2002

Frag count Plugin Download

I had the admin plugin for 1 hour before deciding to write my own plugin and was done by the next day.
Really basic plugin just to display the amount of kills you have made.

Main features:

  • Display frags value for user (bind to a shortcut key to save clicking tab in the middle of a round)

-[ Prongs ]- - Last revised: 23.01.2005



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