AdminMod Plugins
If you run Linux, you may need to convert the plugin sources to linux format. All of the plugin files are now
distributed as Zip files. Linux guys, unzip the files with -a on the command line which will cause the CRLF chars to be converted to linux
LF format.
Camper detection in a plugin. |
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Here is a plugin that "should be really great". It auto-detects campers, announces it, warns them (which can be turned off), and (optionally) slaps them. Fully customizable in the file, and customizable at run time through console commands:
admin_campercheck <"1" | "0">
Enables/disables checking for campers.
admin_camperslap <"1" | "0">
Enables/disables slapping campers.
admin_campert <value>
Sets the tolerance in units of how far they have to go before not being considered a camper.
admin_campertime <value>
Sets how often this plugin checks for campers in seconds. Default is 10.
admin_camperwarn <value>
Sets the amount of warnings campers get before being kicked, set to -1 to disable warnings.
Starts a vote for whether to have camper checking on or off.
admin_camperteam <Team>
Chooses which team to check (0=all) (for cstrike: 1 is T, 2 is CT)
Saying "camper check" or "camper-check" will output the status of camper-checking. Saying "vote_camper" will start a vote for camper-checking.
Note: Still crashes on servers with bots. Do not try to use bots, hlds will just crash about 20 seconds after the game starts.
Shady Milkman wanted me to tell you to enjoy it. He sure as hell thinks it's a great plugin, and so do I.
-[ Shady Milkman ]-
plugin_milkman_camper.zip - Last revised: 19.11.2001 |
THE clanmatch plugin. |
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This is now v1.9a
This plugin let's you declare two clan tags, check that everyone has them, and kick anyone that doesn't. Then it puts a password on the server, and restarts the round in 10 secs and sets all match server settings. It can then start a timer that displays the timeleft every minute or with the admin_matchtime command(also through the use of the say commands). The timer can be turned off with the admin_matchtimer on/off command. Then the server settings can be restored to the normal game paly settings and the server name restored to normal with admin_endmatch command. Scores can also be made to display each round.
-[ [HDK]DragonReborn ]-
plugin_dragon_clanmatch.zip - Last revised: 25.01.2002 |
A modification on sank_dice with new prizes |
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Added "ZeusMode" (godmode and noclip combined)
Winners of ZeusMode, GodMode, and Noclip will now glow too
Replaced Slay with human time-bomb -- need
In this version, timebomb can kill bystanders
Replaced Slap with slap disease -- possibly fatal
Enhanced Glow by having it potentially affect health
To Stuck I added a slap at the beginning -- looks funnier
Dead players cant gamble.
-[ Ludwig van ]-
plugin_ejl_sank_dice.zip - Last revised: 26.10.2002 |
Kamikazi! |
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Player can become a timebomb by saying "kamikazi" in chat. Admin can disable the kamikaze function with admin_timebombs 0 and turn it back on again with admin_timebombs 1. Admin can make any live player without immunity into a timebomb with admin_timebomb .
say: kamikaze
admin_timebombs 0|1
admin_timebomb <target>
admin_vote_timebomb <target>
-[ Ludwig van ]-
plugin_ejl_timebomb.zip - Last revised: 26.10.2002 |
Map Management Plugin |
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This plugin attempts to provide all-round improvements to the way your server changes map. There are two primary functions:
- It allows you to set a number of "victory" conditions under which the map changes, based on player and team scores as well as time.
- It provides a fair means of voting for the next map that is accessible to all players, not just those that are familiar with the plugin.
However, even on servers where no voting is required and you do not wish to use the advanced victory conditions, this plugin can still be used to improve the way the map cycle is handled.
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_map.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Name Management Plugin |
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The Name Management Plugin regulates the names of players that connect to your server. This can be used for a number of purposes:
- To prevent players using the default name for your game mod such as 'Player' or 'Private', which can lead to multiple players in the game with similar names - Player, (1) Player, (2) Player etc. causing confusion, and to Player sitting at the top of your server stats.
- To prevent players using very short names, such as "." which means you don't notice their name appear on the screen when you aim at the camping gits.
- To prevent players attempting to exploit Half-life/ Counter-strike/ Admin Mod script loop holes (many of which are fixed anyway). Many admin commands allow you to use either a player id, wonid or name to identify a player. Some players give themselves a numeric name which may match another players id or wonid, hence causing you to issue the commands on the wrong player.
- To make player names easier to read and/ or type.
- To identify players who are ghosting - i.e. can see each others screen/chat. The plugin can modify their name with a 'LAN Tag' to indicate who is ghosting, announce warnings to the other players, and automatically switch on/off forced chase camera mode.
- To prevent players from changing their name whilst connected. (personally, I wouldn't recommend this)
- If Logd is present on the server, the plugin will not alter a players name until after they have chosen a team, so that they get a change to see the information messages explaining why it has happened.
Each of these functions can be independently enabled and disabled by the admin, and a number of options can be modified to control how stringent the restrictions are.
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_name.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Let the best man... glow! |
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This plugin identifies the best player on each team by having them glow in the team colour. This gives the player the kudos of being seen to be the best, but also makes them a target for the opposition.
For counter-strike servers there are two additional modes available - one where the glowing players only change at the end of each round, and one where players only glow briefly at the start of each round.
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_glow.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Natural Selection End of Round Plugin |
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The Natural Selection End of Round Plugin corrects a bug in the Natural Selection mod. Currently when a round ends, every player is moved to the ready room. If there are a large number of players on the server this can often crash the server.
This plugin provides a temporary workaround for this problem by moving the players back to the ready room in groups of 8 rather than moving all players at the same item.
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_nsend.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Scripts on the server |
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The script plugin allows the server administrator to create a script of console commands and Admin Mod commands that will be run whilst a game is in progress.
The script can contain wait commands that pause for a specific time limit or a specific number of rounds. e.g.
wait 10 minutes
sv_gravity 200
admin_command admin_csay blue "Low gravity enabled for 2 rounds"
wait 2 rounds
sv_gravity 800
wait 10 minutes
sv_airaccelerate -15
admin_command admin_csay blue "Matrix jumping enabled for 2 rounds"
wait 2 rounds
sv_airaccelerate 15
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_script.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Team Change Plugin |
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This plugin updates the admin_t and admin_ct commands so that if they are used on a player that is alive, the team change does not actually occur until the end of the round. This prevents the administrator from killing a player when attempting to change their team. The usage is no different to the standard plugin_cs versions, and there are no configuration options.
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_teamchange.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Whois Plugin |
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The Whois plugin keeps a record of all players that have played on your server. It can provide details on the different names they have played under, the frequency at which they play and their relative performance when there is and isn't an administrator present. It can also detect players connecting from the same IP address but with different WONIDs so you can tell when a banned player returns with a new WONID, and it can mediate which players are required to use Cheating-Death.
Main features:
- In-game reporting
- Browse whois database from the web
- Integration with HLGuard
- Tracks your admins' suspicions on individual players
- Cross-references IP addresses and Names to detect banned players rejoining
- Reports on players rejoining after being temp banned or kicked, or leaving then rejoining with a different name
- Spots players connecting from the same IP address or subnet
- Logs repeated or suspicious team kills
- Cheating-Death mediation - the plugin will determine when a player needs to use Cheating-Death
-[ Ravenous Bugblatter Beast ]-
plugin_blatt_whois.zip - Last revised: 16.06.2004 |
Cavey TeamKill |
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So, some Brat comes on your server and tks you. You are out for blood, you want to nail him to a wall by his pre-pubescent testicles, your 20 for 1 average is now ruined and you are positively seething. This provides a method for revenge. THe options are "Forgive", "Nothing now", "Slap", "Slay", "Kick" "Temp Ban" and "Perm Ban". Now I wholly understand that you wont want people to immediatly ban the guy for one TK, so this allows you to set levels of TKing. At each level a new option appears on the list for you to choose from.
Where this plugin differs from most is that it holds individual TK records. You can only forgive a person if they have TK'd you, so you cant forgive for someone else's TKs. THe level at which they are punnished is still counted on how many TK's they have comitted globally.
Assume Bob killed Bill. Bill now has the option to "Forgive", "Nothing Now" or "Slap". If Bill chooses "Forgive", the TK is removed from Bob and his Global TK's decrease. Suppose Bill chooses "Nothing Now" and Bob kills Bill a few more times, Bill will see the "Slay" option appear on his menu. Also, if Bob goes off to TK Kate and Fred a few times, Bill can call his TK menu through "admin_tkmenu" and see who has TK'd him. As Bob will be on the list, he can punnish Bob to the limit of the Level at which Bob is globally, even though Bob only TK'd him once.
To stop repeated punnishments there is the option to forgive a TK when someone selects a punnishment, but this can be disabled so people can just increment their TKs ad infinitum (or until they get kicked).
I recommend you read the documentation and try it out to see the full potential.
*NEW* Additions and bug fixes by Spin-Doc
-[ Cavey ]-
plugin_logd_cavey_tk.zip - Last revised: 24.06.2004 |
Counter those jumping stats cheaters |
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Ever being annoyed by people begin defusing too often? You can push your Psychostats skill this way very easy, if the award is given (default).
This plugin will slap him after 4 tries and slays him after 6.
This is a CS-only plugin. Hmm, I think this is obvious. ;-)
-[ [WING] Black Knight ]-
plugin_bk_logd_asc.zip - Last revised: 03.09.2002 |
Punish those spawn killers
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I was sick and tired of spawn killers in maps like awp_map, the fy_ series of maps, de_box, etc. Those maps were poorly designed so that some spawn points allow you to see your enemy right when you spawn. If you still have that sniper rifle from last round (or just get those lucky head shots), you can sit there during the freeze/buy time aiming directly at your opponents head and just keep pressing the fire button until the freeze time is over and everyone starts moving. Well, except for your enemy of course. You sniped him the exact instant anyone was allowed to fire preventing him from being able to put up any defense even the simple act of moving.
This AdminMod/LogD plugin will punish any player who kills another within the set number of seconds since the round starts. The punishment is usually getting killed for that round but is configurable. Right now the default time is set on two seconds, but you can always change that.
Added commands:
admin_ft_sk_spawn_time - seconds from round start when a kill is a 'spawn kill'
admin_ft_sk_announce_time - announce more details about why someone was punished
admin_ft_sk_type - How the spawn killer should be punished
-[ Mufasa
plugin_ft_spawn_killing.zip - Last revised: 28.02.03
Mixing players at Round Start
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This plugin will randomize the teams in a CS game (although the source can easily be edited to allow for randomization in different mods). It will also balance the teams when randomizing so that you don't get thrown off balance when randomizing.
-[ BMJ
plugin_logd_randomize.zip - Last revised: 15.02.03
Axe Kill Announcer.
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Announces Axe fragging in Deathmatch Classic (DMC). Announcement is done by random csay or tsay messages with random colors.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Bud-froggy
plugin_logd_axekill.zip - Last revised: 26.07.2001
Bomb Announcer.
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Announces, that the bomb was planted and who did it, in Counter-Strike. Announcement is done by csay message.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Bud-froggy
plugin_logd_bombsay.zip - Last revised: 22.07.2001
Bomb countdown timer.
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Issues a countdown, when the bomb has been planted in Counter-Strike. Announcement is completely done via HL-Speech.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [WHO]Them
plugin_logd_bombtimer.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.6.
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PTB detects situations, in which one team rules over the other. It looks at the current team scores, current team win streaks and the current team ratings and decides on actions with the help of these values.
Additionally PTB completely controls team joining actions of players and prevents unbalancing team joins. PTB auto-joins and even kicks obvious winning team joiners.
-[ Ptahhotep
plugin_logd_cs_ptb_1.6.zip - Last revised: 11.05.2002
Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) 1.7 beta.
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PTB detects situations, in which one team rules over the other. It looks at the current team scores, current team win streaks and the current team ratings and decides on actions with the help of these values.
Additionally PTB completely controls team joining actions of players and prevents unbalancing team joins. PTB auto-joins and even kicks obvious winning team joiners.
-[ Ptahhotep
plugin_logd_cs_ptb_1.7-beta.zip - Last revised: 11.05.2002
Fun Kill Announcer.
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Announces knife and nade fragging along with suicides by random csays or tsays and random colors in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [Jedi]-Baron
plugin_logd_funkill.zip - Last revised: 18.10.2001
Headshot Kill Announcer.
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Announces headshot fragging in Team Fortress Classic (TFC). Throws a random center/typesay when someone gets headshot.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ mikey
plugin_logd_headshot.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Showing HP of your attacker.
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- shows attacker's healthpoints, armor and which weapon he used to his victim.
- displays the damage, victim has made to his attacker
- other statistics like most disruptive player in round / map, most headshots, used weapons etc.
- statistic of player vs. player
- reacts on chat messages "hp", "myhits", "hits" and "weapon".
- you can change the language between english and german.(default:german)
- it calculates the distance between attacker and victim in meters.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Sir Drink a lot
plugin_logd_hp.zip - Last revised: 05.07.2004
UT2K like style for Counter-Strike kills.
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A lot of events of the game Counter-Strike (since v1.5) are detected by this plugin and can be announced with a message and sound.
The messages and sounds are stored in vault.ini and can be edited.
If you use the "plugin_sdal_allowsounds", every client would have the abillity to enable/disable the sounds, if he wants/does not want to hear them.
If you use the "non-colored" version of this plugin, the messages would be also enabled/disabled for him.
For disabling the sounds/messages, the players have to enter ".stop" in chat.
For enabling them again, they have to write ".play" in chat.
"headshot", "killsintime", "killstreak",
"firstblood", "takenlead", "teamattack",
"knifekill", "grenadekill", "roundcounter",
"bombspawned", "bombget", "bombdrop",
"bombplant", "startdefuse", "bombdefused",
"bombdetonate", "bombtimer", "touchhostage",
"reschostage", "killedhostage", "suicide",
"lastscout", "becamevip", "killedvip",
"escapevip", "scoreboard"
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Sir Drink a lot
plugin_logd_impressive.zip - Last revised: 11.02.2004
Knife Arena.
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For playing knife only in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Bud-froggy
plugin_logd_knifearena.zip - Last revised: 05.04.2001
Knife Kill Announcer.
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Throws a random center/typesay when someone gets knifed in Counter-Strike.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Bud-froggy
plugin_logd_knifekill.zip - Last revised: 26.07.2001
Announces Last Scout.
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This plugin wishs 'Good Luck' to the last man of a team and plays him a sound (force.wav). The wav file has to be in the ...\csrike\sound\misc\ folder of your clients computer. So it has to be downloaded to the clients through the RES FILES.
The plugin acts on KILLS, TEAMKILLS, SUICIDE and DISCONNECTION and was tested with POD BOT 2.5.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Biohazard
plugin_logd_lastscout.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Best Player and Teamscore Announcement.
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Shows the Best Player and the Teamscore in the end of a round. It displays also other best players with the same score in the chat-area. If you are dead, you can say score and it will display the best player at the moment.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Sir Drink a lot
plugin_logd_playeraward.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Bomb Timer Randomizer.
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This plugin will set the c4 timer (Counter-Strike only) to a random number from 15 to 90 seconds. When a terrorist plants the bomb, he announces to his team how much time is left (in seconds) before the bomb explodes. Admins will be able to enable/disable this plugin with the command "admin_randomtimer".
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ HunteR
plugin_logd_randomtimer.zip - Last revised: 30.10.2002
Redirect connections on full servers to another server.
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Makes any connecting users during a full server get redirected to the IP specified.
This plugin will not redirect those with ACCESS_IMMUNITY.
I used this with NO reserved slots on server. This plugin compares current PlayerCount to Server Maxplayers. If they are equal and the player does not have ACCESS_IMMUNITY, the player is routed to the specified server IP and port upon the server reporting "Player entered the game". This is generally right when the player will start to see the map come on screen, right before the MOTD or the map briefing.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [HDK]DragonReborn
plugin_logd_redirect.zip - Last revised: 03.11.2001
Score publisher.
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This is designed to be a clone of spudbot, which publishes Counter-Strike scores to the server..
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [WHO]Them
plugin_logd_scorepublish.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Enforcing Team Goals.
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This simple script enforces teamwork by slaying the entire team if they fail to
achieve their goals:
Target_Bombed = All CTs die.
Bomb_Defused = All Ts die.
Target_Saved = All Ts die.
Dropped_The_Bomb = Player dies.
All_Hostages_Rescued = All Ts die.
Hostages_Not_Rescued = All CTs die.
Killed_A_Hostage = Player dies.
VIP_Assassinated = All CTs die.
VIP_Not_Escaped = All CTs die.
VIP_Escaped = All Ts die.
Became_VIP + Suicide = Player kicked (and team not punished).
No more score-whore deathmatch kiddies camping their spawns and waiting for time
to run out!
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Trak3r
plugin_logd_teamgoals.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Team Kill Detection.
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Detects team kills and attacks. TKs can be forgiven by writing "!forgivetk" in the chat.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Bud-froggy
plugin_logd_teamkill.zip - Last revised: 22.07.2001
Displays time remaining.
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Announces automatically the time remaining before mapchange. It uses Game_Commencing for starting timer and checks every second the cvar mp_timelimit to display the correct time.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ Sir Drink a lot
plugin_logd_timerem.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
Take revenge on team killers
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After a team kill the victim gets the possibility to slap, slay or forgive the tk via chat message.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [WHO]Them
plugin_logd_tkrevenge.zip - Last revised: 01.01.2002
VIP Announcer.
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Announces who killed the VIP or who was the VIP and escaped in Counter-Strike. Announcement is done by csay message.
Remember that you need LogD installed for this plugin.
-[ [M|W]LowPingBitch
plugin_logd_vipsay.zip - Last revised: 22.02.2002
Hossalop, hossalop! Let's go! Hurry, hurry! |
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This plugin is only useful on larger servers. If there are more than 9 players connected, and one of the teams only has one player left, warning messages will be given by the server to hurry up. After a warning or maybe a few warnings depending of if there are other votes going on, a vote will be put up to either have the server kill the lone player, kill the opposite team (both options ending the round of course), or just leave them alone and let them finish.
-[ Ludwig van ]-
plugin_ejl_hurryup.zip - Last revised: 26.10.2002 |
Enhanced killstreak
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Announces killstreaks: multi kill, ultra kill, killing spree, monster kill and godlike.
more wav files
there is no maximum killstreak (keeps repeating "godlike")
clearer messages with for example "(15 kills)" added.
-[ <[NN]>Soul
plugin_logd_soul_killstreak.zip - Last revised: 19.05.2002
Protect your server from lame TKers.
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Protects your server from lame TKers.
Short description:
- Detect and response to team kills (TK) and team hurts (TH).
- Let the victim decide what to do with his TKer: kill, slap or forgive.
- Slay the TKer when he has reached the TK limit, and ban him (for a few minutes) when he has exceeded the limit.
- By default, 100hp team damage triggers 1 extra TK warning.
-[ <[NN]>Soul
plugin_logd_tkpolice.zip - Last revised: 19.05.2002
Voting for a map
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The map vote plugin lets users vote for the map they want to play. It includes the ability for an admin to manage maps votes, including denying a map for a particular vote, and quarantining maps so users cannot vote for recently played maps.
-[ SirDodger
plugin_mapvote.zip - Last revised: 31.05.2002
Spawndamage prevention.
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If you have ever played on a friendly-fire enabled server, you know how frustrating it is to get shot or killed at the beginning of a round. It seems that all n00bs joining the server automatically empty their first clip into someone to see if FF is on, to be annoying, or even for no discernable reason.
The spawndamage plugin will automatically slay any user who teamdamages within a few seconds (customizable) of the round. After a few rounds of being slain quickly, efficiently, and without fuss, they will either refrain from shooting teammates, or leave.
-[ SirDodger
plugin_spawndamage.zip - Last revised: 04.03.2002