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setinfo <password_field> <pw> Sets your password giving you access to Admin Mod. (i.e. setinfo pw-myserver ownjoos) The variable <password_field> needs to be specified in the server.cfg on the server machine and <pw> is the password specified in the users.ini.
admin_map <map_name> change the level to map_name
admin_kick <username> kick username
admin_pass <server_passowrd> put a password on the server
admin_nopass turn off the server password
admin_timelimit <time> set how long to play maps for to time minutes
admin_timelimit <time> set how long to play maps for to time minutes
admin_say <message> say this message to all users
admin_friendlyfire <x> set friendlyfire to x (0=Off,1=On)
admin_teamplay <x> set teamplay to x (0=Off,1=On)
admin_status <password> print some server information (currently unimplemented)
admin_cfg <script_name> execute the script . Note - this must be in the halflife directorys (i.e in a sub dir too)
admin_prematch <pre_match> set the prematch variable to <pre_match>
admin_reload reload the users.ini file
admin_ban <mins> <username> ban username from the server for min minutes
admin_unban <username> remove the ban on userid
admin_userlist list the users on the system
admin_timeleft print out the time remaining on the current map
admin_nextmap print the next map in the map cycle
admin_vote_map <map_name> vote to change to map <map_name>
admin_vote_kick <player_name> vote to kick player <player_name>
admin_help print out a list of commands
admin_pause enable pausing of the server
admin_unpause disable pausing of the server
admin_version print out the current version of admin mod


[ Half-Life Admin Mod © Alfred_Reynolds 2000 ] - [ site design by Teflon ]