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This mod will let you give people access to your servers, without giving access to rcon. It also lets you define users who can access the server, each with a different password. It is a plug-in replacement for the following mods:

Phineas (v0.21) : The normal Half-Life mod with bots!
Firearms rc2.1: If you haven't played it you must!
Golden Eye 1.5: You loved it on the N64, now its on the pc!
Counter-Strike (b6.6) : The cool counter terrorist mod
Action Half-Life :  (untested)
Freeze :  (untested)
Bot :  (untested)
TFC (v1.1.0.0) : The Oh High-N-Mighty Team Fortress
Valve (v1.1.0.0) : The standard Half-Life death match
Oz (v1.7) : Extended death match
SvenCoop (v1.3) : You have to try this
Others : You tell me if it works, it shouldn't  [alfred_r]
(NOTE - If you are a mod writer contact me so I can add support, its easy to do).


This is a server side only mod. When writing this mod I have taken security into mind so there should be now overflow problems or other problems with this code (but maybe there is ...). I should also be releasing the code as soon as it becomes stable :).



Version Info
0.84 changes - fixed admin_say bug (and a possible bug in other functions)
- swapped help order for admin_ban (it is !)
- added Oz Deathmatch support
- well, what do you know, timers are possible in win32 (with the right kludges!)
0.83 changes - firearms rc1 support
- golden eye 1.1b support
- fixed winnt < crash bug
- fixed voting code
- added maps.ini to restrict possible maps players can vote for
0.82 changes - firearms mod support
- redid voting code
- added admin_timeleft command to print time remaining on a map
0.81 changes - fixed nicks_file bug for win32
- added passwording of models
- fixed file loading bugs
- added option to disable regex in linux
- added "-n" flag to make pass (c/o "M.R. van Schouwen"
- fixed bug in users.cpp (c/o "M.R. van Schouwen"
- sigsev problem in client connect fixed
- decided alarm_ stuff is never going to work in win32
0.80 changes - kick messages
- periodic message to all players
- usernames and nicks now match via regex expressions (linux only)
- logs voting
- redid file loading code
- "version 2" for ip matching, now does ip/mask and ip/bits
0.79 changes -added reservation of slots via ip
-fixed reserve_slots problem (we hope)
-fixed cs 6.1c bug
-added mysql support for reserve via ip (mysql_dbtable_ips     field)
0.78 changes -fixed reserved slots bug
-fixed windows nick problems
0.77 changes -changed way passwords are entered (now via setinfo)
-fixed lack of admin_timelimit
-fixed nick kicking problem in windows
-fixed spaces in names bug
-fixed buy bug in cs
-made it so you can kick/ban via number instead of name only
0.76 changes -fixed cs beta 6.0 es_frantic buy bug
-added escape characters to names (i.e. use \: to put : in a players name)
-made reserve_slots feature to reserve room for proper users
0.75 changes -fixed windows nick problem
-added admin_version command
-added anonymous user support
0.74 changes -fixed voting bug
-added vote stats
-restructured source code
0.73 changes -TFC and VALVE now works under linux!!!
-added mysql support vis USE_MYSQL flag (from Kemal Hadimli)
-added WONID to admin_userlist
-changed admin_kick to use server id to kick
-changed admin_ban to use wonid to ban
-made it so it compiles with gcc
-added load_nicks to admin_reload
0.72 changes -made it so vote appears on all screens
-made "admin_userlist" an unprotected command
-added ability to kick via serverid for kick votes
-fixed armoury bug in cstrike 
-redid player tracking
0.71 changes -BIG BUG FIX! I screwed up the last release and most of the commands stopped working. I have fix it so if you have been having problems getting things working download the new version.
0.70 changes -added a nick reservation system
-added admin_pause and admin_unpause
-reformmated admin_help output and only display available commands for the user
0.67 changes -new admin_help command
-WIN32 version!! (stupid m$, took forever to tweak it just so :P)
0.66 changes -added autodetection of dll for some mods
-changed mod dll name to admin_*
0.65 changes -added admin_vote_map and admin_vote_kick
-now counter strike beta 6.0 compatible
-fixed numerous crash issues
0.61 changes -Added some code to workaround a counter strike bug
-Added admin_ban and admin_unban
-made seperate dlls for phineas and cstrike (due to c++ stuff)
0.60 changes -We have PLUGIN!!!
0.52 changes -Added the admin_cfg command
0.51 changes -Added the admin_teamplay command



To Do List

TODO's are now maintained via the sourceforge bug tracking pages.
  • Debug debug debug
  • make a kick/ban command (once I get wonid's out)
  • mod reload also reload nicks
  • fix vote bug for cs (killing access due to overwriting menus)
  • incorporate MySQL patch from Kemal Hadimli (good work that)
  • Do tk kicking (same as ff, everyone wants this)
  • Reserve play slots for people with passwords
  • let arbitary player names in the config files (currenlty you can't have ":" )
  • DONE - Implement a user listings (aka users) (trickier than it sounds!) (minus wonid)
  • Add bot detection
  • Add any rcon commands people want
  • Sleep
  • You tell me!
Done list
  • DONE - give everyone admin_userlist access
  • DONE - let people vote via server id
  • DONE - Fix vote bug (not everyone gets vote screen)
  • DONE - add pause and unpause ability ( care of Luckystrike[FF-Orga] alias Benjamin Vogel)
  • DONE - Implement nick reservation (care of disq) (for a server side only mod, there is no elegant way to do this, but still investigating) (done using setinfo)
  • DONE - Map voting (care of "McClain Looney" ) (added)
  • CHANGED - ff kicking (with warnings) (care of "McClain Looney" ) (I am implementing autokick)
  • NOT NEEDED - Get this incorporated in other mods (i.e Counter strike)
  • DONE - Do dynamic loading of other mods (ala bw-admin)
  • DONE - Implement either auto kick or vote kick (care of hlds_l mailing list and Conan Ford) (added vote kick)



[ Half-Life Admin Mod © Alfred_Reynolds 2000 ] - [ site design by Teflon ]